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ManageIQ Design

Tags - Common Component

Simple Tags

Image of a Simple Tag.

  1. Selection:
    • Implementation Details: Use the Bootstrap Combobox for the tag selection so users can either use the list presented or type to filter the list of options.
      • Once a category has been chosen, the value field should be enabled.
  2. Labels:
    • Once the user selects a value from the list, the tag label should be added below the selection boxes.
    • The entire label should have a dark border with the category left aligned.
    • The value should be displayed to the right of the category, with a lighter border to distinguish it.
    • Each value should have an x icon right aligned to allow for removing it.

    Image of Label with a Single Value.
    * If the tag category only has one associated value, clicking the x on that value will remove the entire tag.

  3. Multi-Value Tags:
    • Implementation Details: Use the Bootstrap Multiple Select for the value selection.
    • For categories that can have more than one value associated, the the multiple select widget will indicate values already selected.
    • Values can be removed by either deselecting items in the list or by clicking the x next to the tag.
    • Additional values are added to the right of the initial value and each has an x icon for removal.

    Image of Label with Multiple Values.

  4. Empty State:
    • When there are no tags associated with an item, the empty state should show the following text: “There are no tags associated” in the area where tags would be added.

    Image of a Simple Tag.

Tagging Multiple Items

Image of Advanced Tags.

Image of Advanced Tags.