Reports Support

Support for querying, importing and running Reports is now available. Access to reports and report results is through the following collections:


Querying Reports

Querying Available Reports

GET /api/reports

Querying a Single Report

GET /api/reports/:id

Querying Results of a Particular Reports

GET /api/reports/:id/results

Optionally, expanding all results

GET /api/reports/:id/results?expand=resources

Querying a single result of a report

GET /api/reports/:id/results/:result_id

Querying report results

GET /api/results

Running Reports

Running reports is done via the run action on a report resource as follows:

POST /api/reports/:id
  "action" : "run"

Example for running a report on the following:

  "href": "http://localhost:3000/api/reports/80",
  "id": 80,
  "name": "VM Relationships"


POST /api/reports/80
  "action" : "run"


  "success": true,
  "message": "running report 80",
  "href": "http://localhost:3000/api/reports/80",
  "result_id": 27,
  "result_href": "http://localhost:3000/api/results/27",
  "task_id": 726,
  "task_href": "http://localhost:3000/api/tasks/726"

The report run’s task can be queried periodically via the task_href specified above as follows:

GET /api/tasks/726
  "href": "http://localhost:3000/api/tasks/726",
  "id": 726,
  "name": "Generate Report: 'VM Relationships'",
  "state": "Queued",
  "status": "Ok",
  "message": "Task has been queued",
  "userid": "system",
  "created_on": "2015-11-09T18:44:41Z",
  "updated_on": "2015-11-09T18:44:41Z"
  "href": "http://localhost:3000/api/tasks/726",
  "id": 726,
  "name": "Generate Report: 'VM Relationships'",
  "state": "Finished",
  "status": "Ok",
  "message": "Generating report complete",
  "userid": "system",
  "created_on": "2015-11-09T18:44:41Z",
  "updated_on": "2015-11-09T18:47:13Z"

With the results queried via the result_href provided above:

GET /api/results/27
  "href": "http://localhost:3000/api/results/27",
  "id": 27,
  "name": "VM Relationships",
  "miq_report_id": 80,
  "miq_task_id": 726,
  "userid": "system",
  "report_source": "Requested by user",
  "db": "Vm",
  "report": {
    "name": "VM Relationships",
    "title": "VM Relationships",
    "rpt_group": "Relationships - Virtual Machines, Folders, Clusters",
    "rpt_type": "Default",
    "priority": 10,
    "db": "Vm",
    "cols": [
    "include": {
      "ext_management_system": {
        "columns": [
      "host": {
        "columns": [
      "storage": {
        "columns": [
    "col_order": [
    "headers": [
      "VM Name",
      "Provider Name",
      "Resource Pool",
    "conditions": {
      "exp": {
        "IS NOT EMPTY": {
          "field": ""
      "col_details": {
        "": {
          "data_type": "string",
          "virtual_reflection": false,
          "virtual_column": false,
          "excluded_by_preprocess_options": false,
          "tag": false,
          "include": {
            "host": {
          "format_sub_type": "string"
      "pexp": {
        "IS NOT EMPTY": {
          "field": ""
      "ruby": "<value ref=vm, type=string>/virtual/host/name</value> != \"\""
    "order": "Ascending",
    "sortby": [
    "filename": "450_Relationships - Virtual Machines, Folders, Clusters/010_VMs Relationships.yaml",
    "file_mtime": "2015-08-19T13:23:50Z",
    "template_type": "report",
    "col_formats": [

    "rpt_options": {
    "extras": {
      "total_html_rows": 1709
    "user_categories": [

    "trend_data": {
  "created_on": "2015-11-09T18:52:48Z",
  "last_run_on": "2015-11-09T18:52:56Z",
  "last_accessed_on": "2015-11-09T18:52:56Z",
  "result_set": [
      "name": "aab-vm1",
      "v_owning_datacenter": "",
      "v_owning_folder": "",
      "v_owning_resource_pool": "",
      "host.v_owning_cluster": "",
      "host.hostname": "",
      "": "StarStorage1"
      "id": 320
      "name": "aab_demo_vm",
      "v_owning_datacenter": "",
      "v_owning_folder": "",
      "v_owning_resource_pool": "",
      "host.v_owning_cluster": "",
      "host.hostname": "",
      "": "StarStorage2",
      "id": 1

Note that one can query all the results run for a report as follows:

GET /api/reports/80/results?expand=resources&attributes=created_on
  "name": "results",
  "count": 27,
  "subcount": 2,
  "resources": [
      "href": "http://localhost:3000/api/reports/80/results/27",
      "id": 27,
      "created_on": "2015-11-09T18:52:48Z"
      "href": "http://localhost:3000/api/reports/80/results/13",
      "id": 13,
      "created_on": "2015-07-29T18:24:35Z"

Importing Reports

Importing reports to the system can be done by posting an import action to the reports collection as follows:

POST /api/reports
  "action" : "import",
  "resource" : {
    "report" : { JSON serialized report },
    "options" : { "save" : true }

Here’s an example:


POST /api/reports
  "action" : "import",
  "resource" : {
    "report" : {
      "menu_name" : "Test Report",
      "col_order" : ["col1", "col2", "col3"],
      "cols"      : ["col1", "col2", "col3"],
      "rpt_type"  : "Custom",
      "title"     : "Test Report",
      "db"        : "My::Db",
      "rpt_group" : "Custom"
    "options" : { "save" : true }


  "results": [
      "success": true,
      "message": "Imported Report: [Test Report]",
      "result": {
        "id": 199,
        "name": "Test Report",
        "title": "Test Report",
        "rpt_group": "Custom",
        "rpt_type": "Custom",
        "db": "My::Db",
        "cols": [
        "col_order": [
        "created_on": "2015-11-09T19:44:37Z",
        "updated_on": "2015-11-09T19:44:37Z",
        "miq_group_id": 1,
        "user_id": 1