Settings Management

Management of advanced settings is available on servers, zones and regions. They are provided with the following collection:


for the server processing the API, or for a particular server, zone or region as follows:


The following actions are available with advanced settings:

Querying Settings

Settings can be queried as follows:

GET /api/servers
GET /api/servers/:id/settings
GET /api/zones/:id/settings
GET /api/regions/:id/settings
  • For users with an EvmGroup-super_administrator role, the complete advanced settings are returned.

  • For users with roles that include the Configuration Settings feature, only a whitelisted set of settings are returned.

  • Requests from all other users will be rejected with a Forbidden error.

Updating Settings

Updating settings can only be performed by users with an EvmGroup-super_administrator role.

Updates to settings is available with the HTTP PATCH method as follows:

PATCH /api/servers/:id/settings
PATCH /api/zones/:id/settings
PATCH /api/regions/:id/settings

The following is an example updating the policy_events’s purge_window_size:


PATCH /api/servers/1/settings
  “policy_events” : {
    “purge_window_size” : 500


The complete updated settings is returned:

  "ems": {
    "ems_ansible_tower": {
      "blacklisted_event_names": [

  “policy_events” : {
    "history": {
      "keep_policy_events": "6.months",
      "purge_window_size": 1000
    “purge_window_size” : 500
  "hawkular_tenant_labels": {
    "_hawkular_admin": "Hawkular Admin"

Deleting Settings

Deleting settings can only be performed by users with an EvmGroup-super_administrator role.

Deleting settings is available with the HTTP DELETE method as follows:

DELETE /api/servers/:id/settings
DELETE /api/zones/:id/settings
DELETE /api/regions/:id/settings

Requests must include an array representing the path of the setting to delete.


DELETE /api/servers/1/settings
[ "policy_events", "purge_window_size" ]

This request deletes the policy_event’s purge_window_size setting for /api/servers/1 and its value would revert to its default.