ManageIQ uses the standard Ruby Logger interface, with a custom formatter that is mostly just minor changes from the default formatter. Additionally, we use a logger abstraction library, called manageiq-loggers in order to support multiple log targets and formats.
An example log message looks like:
[----] I, [2020-01-01T12:34:56.789012 #12345:6789abcdef01] INFO -- : MIQ(Class#method) Example message
is a placeholder for future useI
is the single character form of the log level (e.g.I
is the timestamp of the message in ISO8601 format12345
is the process ID (PID)6789abcdef01
is the Ruby thread ID (TID) in hexadecimalINFO
is the log level (can also beDEBUG
is an optional location in the code where the message was loggedExample message
is the logged message
Container log format
In container deployments, ManageIQ also broadcasts logs to STDOUT in structured JSON format, so that it can be consumed by a cluster-level log aggregator. For, example OpenShift has a feature called cluster logging, which consumes STDOUT and feeds those lines to ElasticSearch as part of an EFK stack (ElasticSearch / Fluentd / Kibana). However, because it is simple JSON, the output could be consumed by any log aggregator, such as Splunk, if it were so configured.
An example log message looks like the following:
"message":"MIQ(Class#method) Example message"
NOTE: The JSON is broken apart here for demonstration, but in STDOUT will appear as a single line.
In development, a number of log objects are available, with $log
being the
primary log object. There are a number of separate log objects created for
various purposes, particularly for provider clients. The Rails logger is also
available via $rails_log
(or the standard Rails.logger
). See
for the complete list of loggers.
Additionally, if the Vmdb::Logging
module is mixed into a class, then the _log method is available. This method will
automatically prefix the code location to the message, and so is the most preferred
way to do logging.