This sprint review marked the end of the first 2-week Sprint, which we are trying out and will adjust as needed. As mentioned previously, we are splitting repos as we chip away at the ManageIQ monolith and progress it into a platform. Keep up to date with the details in the Developers category of Talk forum.

With the shorter sprints and repo spread, PR count is decreasing in the main ManageIQ repo as expected. However, over the 2 weeks there were 128 pull requests in main, 95 PRs in integration_tests, and 71 PRs in manageiq-ui-classic. Considering the remaining repos in addition to the top 3, we are on par with the velocity of past sprints.

The theme of Sprint 52 revolves around integrating Ansible into ManageIQ. Service Design work was done for running Playbooks, and functionality has been added to the AnsibleTowerClient gem in Automate. Work is in progress for embedding Ansible on appliances to run Playbooks in job templates directly. To prepare for Ansible integration, the Services List has been redesigned, and the Automate tab is moved as a sub-menu under a new tab called Automation. There will be other tabs coming under Automation in the future.

QE team is looking at Ansible stories for the Fine release and investigating vSphere 6.5 support, in addition to many automation and optimization tasks. Documentation for Euwe API v2.3.0 has been merged and pushed to the website. Support for sorting by virtual attributes via API, as supported by SQL, is now available. For example, GET /api/vms?sort_by=host_name&order=desc

There’s a significant bug fix in Central Admin to ensure that the data encapsulated within a provision request gets encrypted with the right encryption key, so it can be decrypted when the request arrives at the remote region (from global). Amazon took the lead in the number of PRs in Providers, with the separation of AWS storage functionality into specific storage manager, much like what was done to OpenStack storage recently.

More bug fixes occurred in Classic UI, with some of them analogous to small enhancements, such as the ability to add/remove Network Router Interfaces, and to enable provisioning of instances from Providers view. Keeping up with Angular changes, some cleaning up was done to get into 1.6+ as we get ready for Angular 2.0. You can see other UI enhancements with screenshots in the Sprint 52 review video.

For specific sections of the review meeting, here are the respective timestamps:

  • Sprint Statistics (Oleg Barenboim) - 0:53
  • Community Update (Carol Chen) - 3:49
  • Classic UI (Dan Clarizio) - 6:43
  • Service UI (Chris Kacerguis) - 10:46
  • Providers (Greg Blomquist) - 12:23
  • Automate (Greg McCullough) - 14:40
  • Platform (Gregg Tanzillo) - 16:35
  • API (Alberto Bellotti) - 20:04
  • Quality Engineering (Dave Johnson) - 23:10
  • Discussion -25:56

Get a closer look at the work done this sprint with the following “Last Week in ManageIQ” posts:

Coming up, Sprint 53 review will be on February 1, 2017 @ 7:30 PST/10:30 EST/15:30 GMT. Join in the ManageIQ Sprint meeting via Bluejeans and import the ManageIQ community calendar to be notified about this and future Sprint reviews.

Finally, if you’re attending DevConf.CZ in Brno, we will have a ManageIQ booth there. Come say hi and get some ManageIQ goodies!

Sprint 52 Slide deck




  • Platform
    • Add list of providers to RBAC on catalog items (#13395)
  • Providers
    • Amazon: Move amazon settings to ManageIQ/manageiq-providers-amazon (#13192)


Notable fixes include:

  • Automate
    • Increment the ae_state_retries when on_exit sets retry (#13339)
  • Platform
    • Chargeback: Charge only for past hours (#13134)
    • Replication: Expose a method for encrypting using a remote v2_key (#13083)
  • Providers
    • OpenStack Cloud Network Router: Raw commands are wrapped in raw prefixed methods (#13072)
    • OpenStack Infra: Ssh keypair validation fixes (#13445)