
Installing on Microsoft SCVMM

Installing ManageIQ

Installing ManageIQ consists of the following steps:

  1. Downloading the VHD image to your SCVMM Library.

  2. Creating a blank VHD to be used for the database disk.

  3. Running a PowerShell script to create a deployable template for the ManageIQ appliance.

  4. Configuring the ManageIQ appliance.

After you have completed all the procedures in this guide, you will have a working environment on which you can perform additional customizations and configurations.


Uploading the ManageIQ appliance file to SCVMM requires:

  • A Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager environment with at least one Hyper-V node.

  • 44 GB of storage space.

  • 12 GB RAM.

  • 4 vCPUs.

  • An Admin privileged account for the SCVMM environment

Obtaining the Appliance

Deploying the Appliance

Create a blank VHD to be used for the database disk and add it to your SCVMM Library, create a template for the ManageIQ appliance, then deploy a virtual machine to run the appliance.

  1. Create a blank VHD to be used for the database disk and add it to your SCVMM Library. Run this command on a node containing Hyper-V.

    For example, on a node with Hyper-V installed you can create a 20GB blank VHD with the following PowerShell command:

    PS C:\Users\Administrator.MS01> New-VHD -Path 'C:\path\to\my\newvdisk.vhdx' -SizeBytes 20gb -Dynamic
  2. Copy the blank VHD disk to the SCVMM Library.

  3. In a PowerShell terminal, run 'Refresh-LibraryShare' to refresh the library:

    PS C:\Users\Administrator.MS01> 'Refresh-LibraryShare'
  4. Run the following PowerShell script to create a deployable template for the ManageIQ appliance, substituting values for your environment:

    $networkName = "yourNetwork"
    $templateName = "myNewCFMETemplate"
    $templateOwner = "ownerUsername"
    $memorySizeMb = 12288
    $cpuCount = 4
    $srcPath = "C:\path\to\vhd\in\Library"
    $dbDiskSrcPath = "C:\path\to\db\vhd\in\Library"
    $templateOsType = "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (64 bit)"
    $scvmmFqdn = ""
    $JobGroupId01 = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
    $LogicalNet = Get-SCLogicalNetwork -Name $networkName
    New-SCVirtualNetworkAdapter -JobGroup $JobGroupID01 -MACAddressType Dynamic
        -LogicalNetwork $LogicalNet -Synthetic
    New-SCVirtualSCSIAdapter -JobGroup $JobGroupID01 -AdapterID 6 -Shared $False
    New-SCHardwareProfile -Name $templateName -Owner $templateOwner
        -Description 'Temp profile used to create a VM Template' -MemoryMB
        -CPUCount $cpuCount -JobGroup $JobGroupID01
    $JobGroupId02 = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
    $VHD = Get-SCVirtualHardDisk | where  | where 
    New-SCVirtualDiskDrive -IDE -Bus 0 -LUN 0 -JobGroup $JobGroupID02
    -VirtualHardDisk $VHD
    $DBVHD = Get-SCVirtualHardDisk | where 
    New-SCVirtualDiskDrive -IDE -Bus 1 -LUN 0 -JobGroup $JobGroupID02
    -VirtualHardDisk $DBVHD
    $HWProfile = Get-SCHardwareProfile | where 
    $OS = Get-SCOperatingSystem | where 
    New-SCVMTemplate -Name $templateName -Owner $templateOwner -HardwareProfile
    $HWProfile `
        -JobGroup $JobGroupID02 -RunAsynchronously -Generation 1 -NoCustomization
    Remove-HardwareProfile -HardwareProfile $templateName
  5. Deploy a virtual machine to a host group from the created template.

    Run the following PowerShell script, substituting values for your environment:

    $tpl = Get-SCVMTemplate -Name $templateName -VMMServer $scvmmServer
    $vm_hg = Get-SCVMHostGroup -Name $hostGroup -VMMServer $scvmmServer
    $vmc = New-SCVMConfiguration -VMTemplate $tpl -Name $vmName -VMHostGroup $vm_hg
    Update-SCVMConfiguration -VMConfiguration $vmc
    New-SCVirtualMachine -Name $vmName -VMConfiguration $vmc


    Substitute these values in your PowerShell script:

    • $hostGroup = “NAME_OF_HOST_GROUP_TO_DEPLOY_TO”

    • $scvmmServer = “NAME_OF_YOUR_SCVMM_SERVER”

    • $templateName = “NAME_OF_CFME_TEMPLATE”

    • $vmName = “NAME_OF_YOUR_NEW_VM”

Your SCVMM environment now contains a running ManageIQ appliance which you can configure.

Configuring ManageIQ

After installing ManageIQ and running it for the first time, you must perform some basic configuration. You must complete these steps:

  1. Add a disk to the infrastructure that is hosting your appliance.

  2. Configure the database.

  3. Configure messaging

Configure the appliance by using the internal appliance console.

Accessing the Appliance Console

  1. Start the appliance and open a terminal console.

  2. Enter the appliance_console command. The ManageIQ appliance summary screen displays.

  3. Press Enter to manually configure settings.

  4. Press the number for the item you want to change, and press Enter. The options for your selection are displayed.

  5. Follow the prompts to make the changes.

  6. Press Enter to accept a setting where applicable.


The ManageIQ appliance console automatically logs out after five minutes of inactivity.

Configuring a Database

ManageIQ uses a database to store information about the environment. Before using ManageIQ, configure the database options for it; ManageIQ provides the following two options for database configuration:

  • Configure the appliance to use an external PostgreSQL database

Configuring an External Database

Based on your setup, you will choose to configure the appliance to use an external PostgreSQL database. For example, we can only have one database in a single region. However, a region can be segmented into multiple zones, such as database zone, user interface zone, and reporting zone, where each zone provides a specific function. The appliances in these zones must be configured to use an external database.

The postgresql.conf file used with ManageIQ databases requires specific settings for correct operation. For example, it must correctly reclaim table space, control session timeouts, and format the PostgreSQL server log for improved system support. It is recommended that external databases use a postgresql.conf file based on the standard file used by the ManageIQ appliance.

Ensure you configure the settings in the postgresql.conf to suit your system. For example, customize the shared_buffers setting according to the amount of real storage available in the external system hosting the PostgreSQL instance. In addition, depending on the aggregate number of appliances expected to connect to the PostgreSQL instance, it may be necessary to alter the max_connections setting.


  • ManageIQ requires PostgreSQL version 10.

  • Because the postgresql.conf file controls the operation of all databases managed by a single instance of PostgreSQL, do not mix ManageIQ databases with other types of databases in a single PostgreSQL instance.

  1. Start the appliance and open a terminal console.

  2. Enter the appliance_console command. The ManageIQ appliance summary screen displays.

  3. Press Enter to manually configure settings.

  4. Select Configure Application from the menu.

  5. Choose Create Region in External Database for the database location.

  6. Enter the database hostname or IP address when prompted.

  7. Enter the database name or leave blank for the default (vmdb_production).

  8. Enter the database username or leave blank for the default (root).

  9. Enter the chosen database user’s password.

  10. Confirm the configuration if prompted.

ManageIQ will then configure the external database.

Configure Messaging

Configuring messaging is required for appliance setup. It is recommended to configure the broker on the same appliance where your database is configured

Note: You can only have one kafka broker per region

  1. You can either configure the current appliance as a kafka broker, or point the appliance to an existing external kafka broker.

    Select the appropriate option either Configure this appliance as a messaging server or Connect to an external messaging system to connect to an external kafka broker. You will be asked to fill in the required Message Client Parameters like IP address and username/password.

  2. Select Proceed and appliance_console will apply the configuration that you have requested then restart evmserverd to pick up the changes.

Configuring a Worker Appliance

You can use multiple appliances to facilitate horizontal scaling, as well as for dividing up work by roles. Accordingly, configure an appliance to handle work for one or many roles, with workers within the appliance carrying out the duties for which they are configured. You can configure a worker appliance through the terminal. The following steps demonstrate how to join a worker appliance to an appliance that already has a region configured with a database and messaging.

  1. Start the appliance and open a terminal console.

  2. Enter the appliance_console command. The ManageIQ appliance summary screen displays.

  3. Press Enter to manually configure settings.

  4. Select Configure Application from the menu.

  5. You are prompted to create or fetch a security key. Since this is not the first ManageIQ appliance, choose 2) Fetch key from remote machine. For worker and multi-region setups, use this option to copy the security key from another appliance.


    All ManageIQ appliances in a multi-region deployment must use the same key.

  6. Choose Join Region in External Database for the database location.

  7. Enter the database hostname or IP address when prompted.

  8. Enter the port number or leave blank for the default (5432).

  9. Enter the database name or leave blank for the default (vmdb_production).

  10. Enter the database username or leave blank for the default (root).

  11. Enter the chosen database user’s password.

  12. Confirm the configuration if prompted.

  13. Choose Connect to an external messaging system to connect to the external kafka broker located on the appliance with the external database

    Note: You can only have one kafka broker per region

  14. Enter the necessary Message Client Parameters such as the hostname/IP and username/password

  15. Confirm the configuration if prompted.

Logging In After Installing ManageIQ

Once ManageIQ is installed, you can log in and perform administration tasks.

Log in to ManageIQ for the first time after installing by:

  1. Browse to the URL for the login screen. (https://xx.xx.xx.xx on the virtual machine instance)

  2. Enter the default credentials (Username: admin | Password: smartvm) for the initial login.

  3. Click Login.

Changing the Default Login Password

Change your password to ensure more private and secure access to ManageIQ.

  1. Browse to the URL for the login screen. (https://xx.xx.xx.xx on the virtual machine instance)

  2. Click Update Password beneath the Username and Password text fields.

  3. Enter your current Username and Password in the text fields.

  4. Input a new password in the New Password field.

  5. Repeat your new password in the Verify Password field.

  6. Click Login.


Appliance Console Command-Line Interface (CLI)

Currently, the appliance_console_cli feature is a subset of the full functionality of the appliance_console itself, and covers functions most likely to be scripted by using the command-line interface (CLI).

  1. After starting the ManageIQ appliance, log in with a user name of root and the default password of smartvm. This displays the Bash prompt for the root user.

  2. Enter the appliance_console_cli or appliance_console_cli --help command to see a list of options available with the command, or simply enter appliance_console_cli --option <argument> directly to use a specific option.

Database Configuration Options

Option Description
–region (-r) region number (create a new region in the database - requires database credentials passed)
–internal (-i) internal database (create a database on the current appliance)
–dbdisk database disk device path (for configuring an internal database)
–hostname (-h) database hostname
–port database port (defaults to 5432)
–username (-U) database username (defaults to root)
–password (-p) database password
–dbname (-d) database name (defaults to vmdb_production)

v2_key Options

Option Description
–key (-k) create a new v2_key
–fetch-key (-K) fetch the v2_key from the given host
–force-key (-f) create or fetch the key even if one exists
–sshlogin ssh username for fetching the v2_key (defaults to root)
–sshpassword ssh password for fetching the v2_key

IPA Server Options

Option Description
–host (-H) set the appliance hostname to the given name
–ipaserver (-e) IPA server FQDN
–ipaprincipal (-n) IPA server principal (default: admin)
–ipapassword (-w) IPA server password
–ipadomain (-o) IPA server domain (optional). Will be based on the appliance domain name if not specified.
–iparealm (-l) IPA server realm (optional). Will be based on the domain name of the ipaserver if not specified.
–uninstall-ipa (-u) uninstall IPA client


  • In order to configure authentication through an IPA server, in addition to using Configure External Authentication (httpd) in the appliance_console, external authentication can be optionally configured via the appliance_console_cli (command-line interface).

  • Specifying –host will update the hostname of the appliance. If this step was already performed via the appliance_console and the necessary updates that are made to /etc/hosts if DNS is not properly configured, the –host option can be omitted.

Certificate Options

Option Description
–ca (-c) CA name used for certmonger (default: ipa)
–postgres-client-cert (-g) install certs for postgres client
–postgres-server-cert install certs for postgres server
–http-cert install certs for http server (to create certs/httpd* values for a unique key)
–extauth-opts (-x) external authentication options

Note: The certificate options augment the functionality of the certmonger tool and enable creating a certificate signing request (CSR), and specifying certmonger the directories to store the keys.

Other Options

Option Description
–logdisk (-l) log disk path
–tmpdisk initialize the given device for temp storage (volume mounted at /var/www/miq_tmp)
–verbose (-v) print more debugging info

Example Usage.

$ ssh

To create a new database locally on the server by using /dev/sdb:

# appliance_console_cli --internal --dbdisk /dev/sdb --region 0 --password smartvm

To copy the v2_key from a host to local machine:

# appliance_console_cli --fetch-key --sshlogin root --sshpassword smartvm

You could combine the two to join a region where is the appliance hosting the database:

# appliance_console_cli --fetch-key --sshlogin root --sshpassword smartvm --hostname --password mydatabasepassword

To configure external authentication:

# appliance_console_cli --host
                        --iparealm TEST.COMPANY.COM
                        --ipaprincipal admin
                        --ipapassword smartvm1

To uninstall external authentication:

# appliance_console_cli  --uninstall-ipa