
Methods Available for Automation

Methods Available for Use with ManageIQ

Methods can be used from within ManageIQ to create custom actions and workflows for the objects managed for your ManageIQ Infrastructure. This document describes the methods available for use in ManageIQ. This document is organized by the object hierarchy in the Automate Model.


Users of ManageIQ can construct custom automation methods in Ruby to extend the product. ManageIQ ships with a core set of Ruby gems used by the ManageIQ Rails Application. The Ruby gems in this set are subject to change, and have changed since the previous version. If you are calling gems using Automate that are no longer in the ManageIQ appliance, you can install them by using the gem install command.

While gems can be imported into automation methods using require, it is recommended that the authors of the automation methods clearly document the use of gems either in the core set or a custom set. It is the responsibility of the author of such custom automation to own the life cycle of any gem being referenced in those methods.


When an Automate method is launched, it has one global variable: $evm. The $evm variable allows the method to communicate back to ManageIQ. The $evm.root is the root object in the workspace, it provides access to the data currently loaded in the ManageIQ model. It uses the object’s data to solve more complex problems by integrating with ManageIQ methods.

The following is an excerpt from the InspectMe method that can be found in the ManageIQ\System\Request namespace. The dumpRoot method accesses the $evm.root object, and sends all of its attributes to the ManageIQ Automate log for review. In the dumpServer Method, the inspect method is run based on the value of the miq_server obtained from the $evm.root object.

  # Method: dumpRoot
  # Description: Dump Root information
  def dumpRoot
    $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - Root:<$evm.root> Begin Attributes")
    $evm.root.attributes.sort.each { |k, v| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - Root:<$evm.root> Attributes - #{k}: #{v}")}
    $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - Root:<$evm.root> End Attributes")
    $evm.log("info", "")

  # Method: dumpServer
  # Inputs: $evm.root['miq_server']
  # Description: Dump MIQ Server information
  def dumpServer
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Server:<#{$evm.root['miq_server'].name}> Begin Attributes")
    $evm.root['miq_server'].attributes.sort.each { |k, v| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - Server:<#{$evm.root['miq_server'].name}> Attributes - #{k}: #{v.inspect}")}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Server:<#{$evm.root['miq_server'].name}> End Attributes")
    $evm.log("info", "")

The result of dumpRoot is below. The value of miq_server is what gets passed into the dumpServer method.

[----] I, [2012-10-23T13:53:54.517279 #5320:f329024]  INFO -- : <User-Defined Method> [InspectMe] - EVM Automate Method Started
[----] I, [2012-10-23T13:53:54.523637 #5320:f329024]  INFO -- : <User-Defined Method> [InspectMe] - Root:<$evm.root> Begin Attributes
[----] I, [2012-10-23T13:53:54.527552 #5320:ef8c538]  INFO -- : <User-Defined Method> [InspectMe] - Root:<$evm.root> Attributes - miq_server: #<MiqAeMethodService::MiqAeServiceMiqServer:0x0000001e76d900>
[----] I, [2012-10-23T13:53:54.528801 #5320:ef8c538]  INFO -- : <User-Defined Method> [InspectMe] - Root:<$evm.root> Attributes - miq_server_id: 1
[----] I, [2012-10-23T13:53:54.529961 #5320:ef8c538]  INFO -- : <User-Defined Method> [InspectMe] - Root:<$evm.root> Attributes - object_name: Request
[----] I, [2012-10-23T13:53:54.531067 #5320:ef8c538]  INFO -- : <User-Defined Method> [InspectMe] - Root:<$evm.root> Attributes - request: inspectme
[----] I, [2012-10-23T13:53:54.534054 #5320:ef8c538]  INFO -- : <User-Defined Method> [InspectMe] - Root:<$evm.root> Attributes - vm: DEV-JaneM
[----] I, [2012-10-23T13:53:54.535156 #5320:ef8c538]  INFO -- : <User-Defined Method> [InspectMe] - Root:<$evm.root> Attributes - vm_id: 85
[----] I, [2012-10-23T13:53:54.536238 #5320:ef8c538]  INFO -- : <User-Defined Method> [InspectMe] - Root:<$evm.root> Attributes - vmdb_object_type: vm
[----] I, [2012-10-23T13:53:54.537159 #5320:f329024]  INFO -- : <User-Defined Method> [InspectMe] - Root:<$evm.root> End Attributes
[----] I, [2012-10-23T13:53:54.537772 #5320:f329024]  INFO -- : <User-Defined Method>

Method Hierarchy

The Automate Model inline methods have a hierarchy. The sublevels in the hierarchy have access to the methods for itself and the levels above it. For example, Red Hat Hosts have access to the Red Hat Host methods, Host Methods, and Base Methods.

The following nested list displays the hierarchy.

  • Top Level: Base

    • Authentication (authentication)

      • Private Keys (auth_private_key)

        • Key Pair for Clouds (auth_key_pair_cloud)

          • Amazon (auth_key_pair_amazon)

          • OpenStack (auth_key_pair_openstack)

    • Availability Zones (availability_zone)

      • Amazon (availability_zone_amazon)

      • OpenStack (availability_zone_openstack)

    • Classification (classification)

    • Cloud Networks (cloud_network)

    • Cloud Resource Quotas (cloud_resource_quota)

      • OpenStack (openstack_resource_quota)
    • Cloud Subnets (cloud_subnet)

    • Cloud Tenants (cloud_tenant)

    • Customization Templates (customization_template)

      • Cloud Init (customization_template_cloud_init)

      • Kickstart (customization_template_kickstart)

      • Sysprep (customization_template_sysprep)

    • Cluster (ems_cluster)

    • Event (ems_event)

    • Folder (ems_folder)

    • Providers (ext_management_system)

      • Cloud (ems_cloud)

        • Amazon (ems_amazon)

        • Openstack (ems_openstack)

      • Infrastructure (ems_infra)

        • Microsoft System Center VMM (ems_microsoft)

        • Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (ems_redhat)

        • VMware vCenter (ems_vmware)

    • Filesystems (filesystem)

    • Firewall Rules (filewall_rule)

    • Flavors

      • Amazon (flavor_amazon)

      • OpenStack (flavor_openstack)

    • Floating IPs (floating_ip)

      • Amazon (floating_ip_amazon)

      • OpenStack (floating_ip_openstack)

    • Guest Applications (guest_application)

    • Guest Devices (guest_device)

    • Hardware (hardware)

    • Hosts (host)

      • Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (host_redhat)

      • VMware (host_vmware)

        • VMware ESX (host_vmware_esx)
    • ISO Images (iso_image)

    • Jobs (job)

    • LANs (lan)

    • Groups (miq_group)

    • Policies (miq_policy)

    • Proxies (miq_proxy)

    • Requests (miq_request)

      • Automation (automation_request)

      • Host Provisioning (miq_host_provision_request)

      • VM Provisioning (miq_provision_request)

        • VM Templates (miq_provision_request_template)
      • Service Reconfiguration (service_reconfigure_request)

      • Service Template Provisioning (service_template_provision_request)

      • VM Migration (vm_migrate_request)

      • VM Reconfiguration (vm_reconfigure_request)

    • Request Task (miq_request_task)

      • Automation (automation_task)

      • Host Provisioning (miq_host_provision)

      • VM Provisioning (miq_provision)

        • Cloud (miq_provision_cloud)

          • Amazon (miq_provision_amazon)

          • OpenStack (miq_provision_openstack)

        • Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (miq_provision_redhat)

          • Via ISO (miq_provision_redhat_via_iso)

          • Via PXE (miq_provision_redhat_via_pxe)

        • VMware (miq_provision_vmware)

          • Via NetApp RCU (miq_provision_vmware_via_net_app_rcu)

          • Via PXE (miq_provision_vmware_via_pxe)

      • Service Reconfiguration (service_reconfigure_task)

      • Service Template Provisioning (service_template_provision_task)

      • VM Migratation (vm_migrate_task)

      • VM Reconfiguration (vm_reconfigure_task)

    • Servers (miq_server)

    • Networks (network)

    • Operating Systems (operating_system)

    • PXE Images (pxe_image)

      • iPXE (pxe_image_ipxe)

      • PXELINUX (pxe_image_pxelinux)

    • PXE Servers (pxe_server)

    • Resource Pools (resource_pool)

    • Security Groups (security_group)

      • Amazon (security_group_amazon)

      • OpenStack (security_group_openstack)

    • Services (service)

    • Service Resources (service_resource)

    • Service Templates (service_template)

    • Snapshots (snapshot)

    • Storages (storage)

    • Switches (switch)

    • Users (user)

    • VMs or Templates (vm_or_template)

      • Templates (miq_template)

        • Cloud (template_cloud)

          • Amazon (template_amazon)

          • OpenStack (template_openstack)

        • Infrastructure (template_infra)

          • Microsoft (template_microsoft)

          • Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (template_redhat)

          • VMware (template_vmware)

      • VMs (vm)

        • Clouds (vm_cloud)

          • Amazon (vm_amazon)

          • OpenStack (vm_openstack)

        • Infrastructure (vm_infra)

          • Microsoft (vm_microsoft)

          • Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (vm_redhat)

          • Vmware (vm_vmware)

    • Windows Images (windows_images)

Base Methods

These methods may be used with all objects available in the Automate Model.

Method Usage
inspect Returns a string containing a list of attributes of the object. See the InspectMe method in Samples class
inspect_all Returns all information for an object
virtual_column_names Returns the objects virtual columns names
virtual_columns_inspect Returns the objects virtual columns and values
reload Returns to original object to prevent the internal object from being returned
model_suffix Returns objects suffix. For an object of type MiqAeServiceVmVmware, returns “Vmware”
tagged_with?(category, name) Is the object tagged with the category and name specified?
tags(category = nil)– this means that category is an optional parameter, with a default of nil Returns the tags.
tag_assign(tag) Assigns tag to the object, except for the miq_provision object, which uses add_tag(category, tag_name)
tag_unassign(tag) Unassigns tag to the object, except for the miq_provision object, which uses clear_tag(category, tag_name)

The InspectMe Sample Method uses many of the Methods shown in this document. The method returns attributes of the ManageIQ Server and then returns attributes for the host, cluster, and virtual machine from the provider of invocation. In many environments it is linked to a button.

# EVM Automate Method: InspectMe
# Notes: Dump the objects in storage to the automation.log
  @method = 'InspectMe'
  @log_prefix = "[#{@method}]"
  $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - EVM Automate Method Started")

  # Turn on verbose logging
  @debug = true

  # List the types of object we will try to detect
  obj_types = %w{ vm host storage ems_cluster ext_management_system }
  obj_type = $evm.root.attributes.detect { |k,v| obj_types.include?(k)}

  # uncomment below to dump root object attributes

  # uncomment below to dump miq_server object attributes

  # If obj_type is NOT nil
  unless obj_type.nil?
    rootobj = obj_type.first
    obj = obj_type.second
    $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - Detected Object:<#{rootobj}>")

    case rootobj
    when 'host' then dumpHost(obj)
    when 'vm' then dumpVM(obj)
    when 'ems_cluster' then dumpCluster(obj)
    when 'ext_management_system' then dumpEMS(obj)
    when 'storage' then dumpStorage(obj)

  # Exit method
  $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - EVM Automate Method Ended")
  exit MIQ_OK

  # Set Ruby rescue behavior
rescue => err
  $evm.log("error", "#{@log_prefix} - [#{err}]\n#{err.backtrace.join("\n")}")
  exit MIQ_ABORT

Availability Zones (availability_zone)

Method Use
ext_management_system Returns object’s Management System
vms Returns object’s VMs
vms_and_templates Returns object’s VMs and templates
cloud_subnets Returns object’s cloud subnets

Classifications (classification)

Method Use
parent Returns object’s parent object
namespace Returns object’s namespace
category Returns object’s category
name Returns object’s name
to_tag Returns object’s tag mapping

Cloud Networks (cloud_network)

Method Use
ext_management_system Returns object’s Management System
cloud_tenant Returns object’s cloud tenant
cloud_subnets Returns object’s cloud subnets
security_groups Returns object’s security groups
vms Returns object’s VMs

Cloud Resource Quotas (cloud_resource_quota)

Method Use
ext_management_system Returns object’s Management System
cloud_tenant Returns object’s cloud tenant

Cloud Subnets (cloud_subnet)

Method Use
cloud_network Returns object’s cloud network
availability_zone Returns object’s availability zone
vms Returns object’s VMs

Cloud Tenants (cloud_tenant)

Method Use
ext_management_system Returns object’s Management System
security_groups Returns object’s security groups
cloud_networks Returns object’s cloud network
vms Returns object’s VMs
vms_and_templates Returns object’s VMs and templates
miq_templates Returns object’s templates
floating_ips Returns object’s floating IP addresses
cloud_resource_quotas Returns object’s quotas

Customization Template (customization_template)

Method Use
Pxe_images Returns customization templates pxe images

Clusters (ems_cluster)

Method Use
all_resource_pools Return all of the objects Resource Pools
all_vms Return all of the objects Virtual Machines
default_resource_pool Return the objects default Resource Pool
ems_events Returns an array of EmsEvent records associated with the object
ext_management_system Return objects Management System
hosts Return objects Hosts
parent_folder Return objects Parent Folder
register_host(host) Register Host to this Cluster
resource_pools Return objects Resource Pools
storages Return objects datastores
vms Return objects Virtual Machines
  # Method: dumpCluster
  # Inputs: $evm.root['ems_cluster']
  # Description: Dump Cluster information
  def dumpCluster(cluster)
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Cluster:<#{cluster.name}> Begin Attributes")
    cluster.attributes.sort.each { |k, v| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - Cluster:<#{cluster.name}> Attributes - #{k}: #{v.inspect}")}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Cluster:<#{cluster.name}> End Attributes")

    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Cluster:<#{cluster.name}> Begin Associations")
    cluster.associations.sort.each { |assc| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - Cluster:<#{cluster.name}> Associations - #{assc}")}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Cluster:<#{cluster.name}> End Associations")

    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Cluster:<#{cluster.name}> Begin Virtual Columns")
    cluster.virtual_column_names.sort.each { |vcn| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - Cluster:<#{cluster.name}> Virtual Columns - #{vcn}: #{cluster.send(vcn)}")}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Cluster:<#{cluster.name}> End Virtual Columns")

Management System Events (ems_event)

Method Use
ext_management_system Returns object’s provider
ems Shortcut to ext_management_system
src_vm Source VM for the event
vm VM for the event
src_host Source Host for the event
host Host for the event
dest_vm Destination VM for the event
service Service for the event
dest_host Destination Host for the event
refresh(*targets) Refresh the target types specified (ems, vm, host, src_vm, src_host, dest_vm, or dest_host)

Management System Folders (ems_folder)

Method Use
hosts Returns hosts that are in the folder
vms Returns VMs that are in folder
register_host(host) Registers specified host to the folder
folder_path(*options) Returns folders path

Providers (ext_management_system)

Method Use
authentication_password_encrypted Returns credentials password encrypted
authentication_password Returns credentials password unencrypted
authentication_userid Returns credentials user id
ems_clusters Returns objects clusters
ems_events Returns an array of EmsEvent records associated with the object
ems_folders Returns objects folders
hosts Returns objects hosts
refresh Refreshes relationships and power states for objects related to the object
resource_pools Returns objects resource pools
storages Returns objects storages
vms Returns objects vms
to_s Converts object to string
  # Method: dumpEMS
  # Inputs: $evm.root['ext_management_system']
  # Description: Dump EMS information
  def dumpEMS(ems)
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - EMS:<#{ems.name}> Begin Attributes")
    ems.attributes.sort.each { |k, v| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - EMS:<#{ems.name}> Attributes - #{k}: #{v.inspect}")}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - EMS:<#{ems.name}> End Attributes")

    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - EMS:<#{ems.name}> Begin Associations")
    ems.associations.sort.each { |assc| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - EMS:<#{ems.name}> Associations - #{assc}")}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - EMS:<#{ems.name}> End Associations")

    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - EMS:<#{ems.name}> Begin EMS Folders")
    ems.ems_folders.each { |ef| ef.attributes.sort.each { |k,v| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - EMS:<#{ems.name}> EMS Folder:<#{ef.name}> #{k}: #{v.inspect}")}}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - EMS:<#{ems.name}> End EMS Folders")

    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - EMS:<#{ems.name}> Begin Virtual Columns")
    ems.virtual_column_names.sort.each { |vcn| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - EMS:<#{ems.name}> Virtual Columns - #{vcn}: #{ems.send(vcn)}")}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - EMS:<#{ems.name}> End Virtual Columns")

Cloud Providers (ems_cloud)

Method Use
availability_zones Return the provider’s availability zones
cloud_networks Return the provider’s available networks
cloud_tenants Return the provider’s available tenants
flavors Return the provider’s hardware flavors
floating_ips Return the provider’s floating IP addresses
key_pairs Return the provider’s key pairs
security_groups Return the provider’s security groups
cloud_resource_quotas Return the provider’s resource quotas

Firewall Rules (firewall_rule)

Method Use
resource Return object’s resource
source_security_group Return object’s source security group

Flavors (flavor)

Method Use
ext_management_system Returns object’s Management System
vms Returns object’s VMs

Floating IPs (floating_ip)

Method Use
ext_management_system Returns object’s Management System
vm Returns object’s VMs
cloud_tenant Returns object’s cloud tenant

Guest Applications (guest_application)

Method Use
vm Returns objects VM
host Returns objects Host

Guest Device (guest_device)

Method Use
hardware Returns objects hardware
switch Returns objects switch
lan Returns objects LAN
network Returns objects network

Hardware (hardware)

Method Use
ipaddresses Returns objects IP addresses
guest_devices Returns objects guest devices
storage_adapters Returns objects storage adapters
nics Returns objects nics
ports Returns objects ports
vm Returns objects Virtual Machine
host Returns objects Host
mac_addresses Returns objects MAC addresses

Hosts (host)

Method Use


Returns credential password


Returns credential user


Returns datacenter


Returns list of directories for the object


Returns the domain portion of the hostname


Returns cluster


Returns an array of EmsEvent records associated with the object


Returns hosts folder on Management System


Searches event log records to determine if an event has occurred x number of times within a defined time frame. Returns true if the number of matching records found are greater or equal to the specified freq_threshold, otherwise it returns false

Options values:

:message_filter_type - Must be one of "STARTS WITH", "ENDS WITH", "INCLUDES", "REGULAR EXPRESSION"

:message_filter_value - <string value to search for>

:time_threshold - Options time interval to search. Example: 2.days (Search the past 2 days of event logs) Default 10.days

:freq_threshold - Number of occurrences to check for. Default = 2

:source, :event_id, :level, :name - Options filter values


Returns Management System


Returns list of files for the object


Returns Guest Applications


Returns hardware


Returns LANs


Returns Operating System


Returns datastores


Returns network switches


Returns VMs.

credentials(type = :remote)

Returns credentials for a Host for the specified type as an array for username/pwd. (Default type is :remote if no type is specified.)

Supports 4 different types of credentials:

:default = Default

:remote = Remote Login (think SSH for ESX)

:ws = Web Services

:ipmi = IPMI

Example 1:

cred = host.credentials

cred ⇒ ["user", "pwd"]

Example 2:

user_str, pwd_str = host.credentials(:ipmi)

user_str ⇒ "user"

pwd_str ⇒ "pwd"


Returns Management Systems custom keys


Gets Value for specified Management Systems custom key

ems_custom_set(attribute, value)

Sets value for specified custom key of the Management System


Lists ManageIQ Server custom keys


Gets value for specified ManageIQ Server custom key

custom_set(key, value)

Sets value for specified ManageIQ Server custom key


Runs the specified script on the host

get_realtime_metric(metric, range, function)

Returns specified realtime metric


Returns current memory usage


Returns current cpu usage


Returns current memory headroom


Converts object to string


Performs SmartState Analysis on the object

The following table lists the metric types available for the get_realtime_metric(metric, range, function) method for hosts.

Metric Description
v_derived_storage_used Capacity - Used space in bytes
v_pct_cpu_ready_delta_summation CPU - Percentage ready
v_pct_cpu_wait_delta_summation CPU - Percentage wait
v_pct_cpu_used_delta_summation CPU - Percentage used
v_derived_host_count State - Number of hosts (Hourly Count / Daily Average)
v_derived_cpu_reserved_pct CPU - Percentage available
v_derived_memory_reserved_pct Memory - Percentage available

The following Ruby snippet demonstrates using the get_realtime_metric(metric, range, function) method using the v_pct_cpu_ready_delta_summation metric.

host = $evm.root['host']
cpu_rdy = host.get_realtime_metric(:v_pct_cpu_ready_delta_summation, [15.minutes.ago.utc,5.minutes.ago.utc], :avg)
  # Method: dumpHost
  # Inputs: $evm.root['host']
  # Description: Dump Host information
  def dumpHost(host)
    host = $evm.object['host'] || $evm.root['host']
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Host:<#{host.name}> Begin Attributes")
    host.attributes.sort.each { |k, v| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - Host:<#{host.name}> Attributes - #{k}: #{v.inspect}")}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Host:<#{host.name}> End Attributes")

    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Host:<#{host.name}> Begin Associations")
    host.associations.sort.each { |assc| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - Host:<#{host.name}> Associations - #{assc}")}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Host:<#{host.name}> End Associations")

    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Host:<#{host.name}> Begin Hardware")
    host.hardware.attributes.each { |k,v| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - Host:<#{host.name}> Hardware - #{k}: #{v.inspect}")}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Host:<#{host.name}> End Hardware")

    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Host:<#{host.name}> Begin Lans")
    host.lans.each { |lan| lan.attributes.sort.each { |k,v| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - Host:<#{host.name}> Lan:<#{lan.name}> - #{k}: #{v.inspect}")}}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Host:<#{host.name}> End Lans")

    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Host:<#{host.name}> Begin Switches")
    host.switches.each { |switch| switch.attributes.sort.each { |k,v| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - Host:<#{host.name}> Swtiche:<#{switch.name}> - #{k}: #{v.inspect}")}}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Host:<#{host.name}> End Switches")

    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Host:<#{host.name}> Begin Operating System")
    host.operating_system.attributes.sort.each { |k, v| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - Host:<#{host.name}> Operating System - #{k}: #{v.inspect}")}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Host:<#{host.name}> End Operating System")

    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Host:<#{host.name}> Begin Guest Applications")
    host.guest_applications.each { |guest_app| guest_app.attributes.sort.each { |k, v| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - Host:<#{host.name}> Guest Application:<#{guest_app.name}> - #{k}: #{v.inspect}")}}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Host:<#{host.name}> End Guest Applications")

    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Host:<#{host.name}> Begin Virtual Columns")
    host.virtual_column_names.sort.each { |vcn| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - Host:<#{host.name}> Virtual Columns - #{vcn}: #{host.send(vcn).inspect}")}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Host:<#{host.name}> End Virtual Columns")
    $evm.log("info", "")

Hosts: Vmware ESX (host_vmware_esx)

Method Use
disable_vmotion(device = nil) Disable vMotion
enable_vmotion(device = nil) Enable vMotion
enter_maintenance_mode(timeout = 0, evacuate = false) Put Host in Maintenance Mode
exit_maintenance_mode(timeout = 0) Leave Maintenance Mode
in_maintenance_mode? Check to see if the host is in Maintenance Mode
power_down_to_standby(timeout = 0, evacuate = false) Put Host in standby
power_up_from_standby(timeout = 0) Take Host out of standby
reboot(force = false) Reboot Host
shutdown(force = false) Shutdown Host
vmotion_enabled?(device = nil) Check to see if vMotion is enabled

LAN (lan)

Method Use
switch Returns objects switch
guest_devices Returns objects guest devices
vms Returns objects Virtual Machines
templates Returns objects templates
hosts Returns objects Hosts

Groups (miq_group)

Method Use
users Returns users in the current miq_group
vms Returns Virtual Machines that this group owns
custom_keys Returns all custom keys for the group
custom_get(key) Returns the value of the specified custom key for the group
custom_set(key, value) Sets the value for the specified key
  # Method: dumpGroup
  # Inputs: $evm.root['user'].miq_group
  # Description: Dump User's Group information
  def dumpGroup
    user = $evm.root['user']
    unless user.nil?
      miq_group = user.miq_group
      unless miq_group.nil?
        $evm.log("info","#{@method} - Group:<#{miq_group.description}> Begin Attributes [miq_group.attributes]")
        miq_group.attributes.sort.each { |k, v| $evm.log("info", "#{@method} - Group:<#{miq_group.description}> Attributes - #{k}: #{v.inspect}")} unless $evm.root['user'].miq_group.nil?
        $evm.log("info","#{@method} - Group:<#{miq_group.description}> End Attributes [miq_group.attributes]")
        $evm.log("info", "")

        $evm.log("info","#{@method} - Group:<#{miq_group.description}> Begin Associations [miq_group.associations]")
        miq_group.associations.sort.each { |assc| $evm.log("info", "#{@method} - Group:<#{miq_group.description}> Associations - #{assc}")}
        $evm.log("info","#{@method} - Group:<#{miq_group.description}> End Associations [miq_group.associations]")

        $evm.log("info","#{@method} - Group:<#{miq_group.description}> Begin Virtual Columns [miq_group.virtual_column_names]")
        miq_group.virtual_column_names.sort.each { |vcn| $evm.log("info", "#{@method} - Group:<#{miq_group.description}> Virtual Columns - #{vcn}: #{miq_group.send(vcn).inspect}")}
        $evm.log("info","#{@method} - Group:<#{miq_group.description}> End Virtual Columns [miq_group.virtual_column_names]")

Request (miq_request)

Request objects are submitted to ManageIQ Server for processing. After the request phase, the request becomes a task object. The table below shows the relationship between a request object and a task object.

Request Object Task Object
automation_request automation_task
miq_host_provision_request miq_host_provision
miq_provision_request miq_provision
vm_reconfigure_request vm_reconfigure_task
service_template_provision_request service_template_provision_task
vm_migrate_request vm_migrate_task

If you set something on the request object, it will be inherited by the task instance that does the work. This may be useful if you are provisioning multiple virtual machines at a time and need to modify the same setting for all. Otherwise, the item can be modified on the individual task.

Method Use

add_tag(category, tag_name)

Add a tag to a provision instance by specifying the category and tag name

Example: miq_provision.add_tag(:location, "CHI")

approve(approver,reason for approval)

Approves the miq_request.

Example: $evm.root["miq_request"].approve("admin", "Auto-Approved")


Returns request approvers.


Returns true if authorized, false if not.

clear_tag(category=nil, tag_name=nil)

Without any parameters, the clear_tag method will clear all tags from the provision request. Providing a category will clear all tags selected in that category. Clear a specific category/tag by providing it.

Example: miq_provision.clear_tag(:location, "CHI")


Denies the miq_request


# Deny the request

$evm.log('info',"Request denied because of Quota")

$evm.root["miq_request"].deny("admin", "Quota Exceeded")


Works the same as get_tag(category) but the returned data is a hash with :name and :description



Returns: [{:name⇒"accounting", :description⇒"Accounting"}, {:name⇒"engineering", :description⇒"Engineering"}]


Works the same as get_tag but the returned tag data is a hash with :name and :description



Returns: {:cc⇒{:name⇒"001", :description⇒"Cost Center 001"}, :department⇒[{:name⇒"accounting", :description⇒"Accounting"}, {:name⇒"engineering", :description⇒"Engineering"}]}


Returns a value from the options hash based on the name of the key name passed in. Internally many of the values are stored as an array of items. (For example, a target host would be stored as the index to the host object in the db and the display name.) Calling this method will return the first item if it is an array. For non-array values the item is returned unmodified.

Example: miq_provision_request.get_option(:number_of_cpus)


Returns the tags selected for the specified tag category.

Example: request.get_tag(:department)

Returns: ["accounting", "engineering"]


Get all selected tags stored in a hash by category. If more than one tag is selected in a category, the hash will contain an array of tag names. Otherwise it will contain the tag name as a string.

Example: request.get_tags

Returns: {:cc⇒"001", :department⇒["accounting", "engineering"]}


(Legacy support) Internal Note: The miq_request instance use to be a separate instance from the specific request instance (like miq_provision_request). When the classes were refactored into 1 this method was added to allow existing code and automate methods to continue to run unchanged.)


Returns the requests tasks


Returns a hash containing all the options set for the current provision object


Puts the object in a pending state for approval


# Raise automation event: request_pending



Returns reason for approval or denial of request


Returns the requester


Returns the resource for the request


Sets the message for the request

set_option(key, value)

Sets the specified key/value pair for the object

Automation Request (automation_request)

Method Use
automation_tasks Returns objects automate tasks

Host Provision Request (miq_host_provision_request)

Method Use
miq_host_provisions Returns the miq_host_provisions objects
ci_type Returns the cloud infrastructure type: host

VM Provision Request (miq_provision_request)

Method Use

check_quota(quota_type, options={})

Returns the quota information for the specified type


Returns the cloud infrastructure type: vm


Returns an array of available Cluster objects filtered by previously selected resources


Returns an array of available Customization Templates filtered by previously selected resources


Returns an array of available Folder objects filtered by previously selected resources


Returns an array of available Host objects filtered by previously selected resources


Returns an array of available ISO image objects filtered by previously selected resources


Returns an array of available PXE Image objects filtered by previously selected resources


Returns an array of available PXE Server objects filtered by previously selected resources


Returns an array of available Resource Pool objects filtered by previously selected resources


Returns eligible resources given the type specified


Returns an array of available Storage (Datastore) objects filtered by previously selected resources


Returns an array of available Windows Image objects filtered by previously selected resources


Returns a hash where the key is an index and the value is the fully-qualified path name of the folder. (Sample: {7 ⇒ Dev/Dept1/QA, 8 ⇒ Test/Dept2/QA}) This format is useful when a fully-qualified path is required to match the folder name. For example, if you had multiple QA folders under different departments in the sample above. To find the proper QA folder you need to evaluate the entire folder path.


Returns the number of dates until retirement


Returns the task.


Returns the miq_provision_requests miq_request object


Set the cluster to use based on object returned from eligible_clusters


Set the customization_template to use based on object returned from eligible_customization_templates


Set the folder to use based on object returned from eligible_folders. In addition, set_folder accepts the following folder types:

Folder Paths - separated by forward slashes. (Must include Data-center name.) Example: Prod/Discovered virtual machine where Prod is the Data-center name and Discovered virtual machine is the folder name.

Object returned from the get_folder_paths method


Set the host to use based on object returned from eligible_hosts

set_network_adapter(idx, nic_hash, value=nil)

Modifies the network card attached to the VM container

Available settings:

:is_dvs true / false (Default: false)

:network (Network Name)


:devicetype (Default: VirtualPCNet32) Defined by VMware: http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vc-sdk/visdk400pubs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard.html

:connectable ⇒ {:allowguestcontrol ⇒ true / false} (Default: true)

:connectable ⇒ {:startconnected ⇒ true / false} (Default: true)

:connectable ⇒ {:connected ⇒ true / false} (Default: true)

Example: prov.set_network_adapter(1, {:network ⇒ dvs_net1, :is_dvs ⇒ true} )


Sets IP address type. Available modes are dhcp and static

set_nic_settings(idx, nic_hash, value=nil)

Modifies the network interface settings at the operating system level

Available settings:

:addr_mode "dhcp" / "static" (Default: static)





:dns_servers (Windows Only) Comma separated values

:sysprep_netbios_mode (Windows Only) Defined by VMware: http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vc-sdk/visdk400pubs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.customization.IPSettings.NetBIOSMode.html

:wins_servers Passed as a string specifying the Primary and Secondary WINS servers separated by a comma. "<PrimaryWINS>, <SecondaryWINS>"

Example: prov.set_nic_settings(1, {:ip_addr⇒, :subnet_mask⇒'', :gateway⇒'', :addr_mode⇒["static", "Static"] } )


Set the iso_image to use based on object returned from eligible_iso_images


Set the pxe_image to use based on object returned from eligible_pxe_images


Set the pxe_server to use based on object returned from eligible_pxe_servers


Set the resource_pool to use based on object returned from eligible_resource_pools


Sets the resource for the request. (Helper method, should not be called directly)


Set the number of days until retirement.


Set the Datastore (storage object) to use based on object returned from eligible_storages


Sets text for the VM notes (aka annotation) field


Set the windows_image to use based on object returned from eligible_windows_images


Returns the provision source type. (values are 'vm' or 'template')


Returns ID of the template being cloned


Returns the provision target type. (values are 'vm' or 'template')


Returns the requests template

Request Task (miq_request_task)

Method Use

add_tag(category, tag_name)

Add a tag to a provision instance by specifying the category and tag name.

Example: miq_provision.add_tag(:location, "CHI")

clear_tag(category=nil, tag_name=nil)

Without any parameters, the clear_tag method will clear all tags from the provision request. Providing a category will clear all tags selected in that category. Clear a specific category/tag by providing it.

Example: miq_provision.clear_tag(:location, "CHI")


Returns the destination object. (The resultant object from running the task. In the case of provisioning, this would be the newly created VM.)


Executes or processes the request.


Sets the task to finished with the supplied message.


Works the same as get_tag(category) but the returned data is a hash with :name and :description.



Returns: [{:name⇒"accounting", :description⇒"Accounting"}, {:name⇒"engineering", :description⇒"Engineering"}]


Works the same as get_tag but the returned tag data is a hash with :name and :description.



Returns: {:cc⇒{:name⇒"001", :description⇒"Cost Center 001"}, :department⇒[{:name⇒"accounting", :description⇒"Accounting"}, {:name⇒"engineering", :description⇒"Engineering"}]}


This method is the same as get_option, except that it returns the last array value.


Returns a value from the options hash based on the name of the key name passed in. Internally many of the values are stored as an array of items. (For example, a target host would be stored as the index to the host object in the db and the display name.) Calling this method will return the first item if it is an array. For non-array values the item is returned unmodified.

Example: miq_provision_request.get_option(:number_of_cpus)


Returns the tags selected for the specified tag category.

Example: request.get_tag(:department)

Returns: ["accounting", "engineering"]


Get all selected tags stored in a hash by category. If more than one tag is selected in a category, the hash will contain an array of tag names. Otherwise it will contain the tag name as a string.

Example: request.get_tag

Returns: {:cc⇒"001", :department⇒["accounting", "engineering"]}


Sets the message for the request task.


Returns the miq_request for the task.


Returns the parent miq_request task.


Allows automate method to override the default request status message. As a result, you can set custom messages for the progression of the state machine and its success or failure. This message will appear as the last message for the service request.


Returns the children miq_request tasks.


Returns a hash containing all the options set for the current object.

set_option(key, value)

Updates a key/value pair in the options hash for the provision object. Often the value is required to be an array.


Returns the source object. (The source, or input, object that the task runs against. In the case of provisioning, this would be the VM or template selected to be provisioned.)

Automation Task (automation_task)

Method Use
automation_request Returns associated automation_request object
status Returns status of the task

Host Provision Task (miq_host_provision)

Method Use
host Returns objects host
miq_host_provision_request Returns the request that created the task
status Returns status of host provision

VM Provision Task (miq_provision)

Method Use

check_quota(quota_type, options={})

Returns the quota information for the specified type


Returns an array of available Cluster objects filtered by previously selected resources


Returns an array of available Customization Templates


Returns an array of available Folder objects filtered by previously selected resources


Returns an array of available Host objects filtered by previously selected resources


Returns an array of available ISO Image objects filtered by previously selected resources


Returns an array of available PXE Image objects filtered by previously selected resources


Returns an array of available PXE Servers filtered by previously selected resources


Returns an array of available Resource Pool objects filtered by previously selected resources


Returns the eligible resources for the resource type specified


Returns an array of available Storage (Datastore) objects filtered by previously selected resources


Returns an array of available Windows Image objects filtered by previously selected resources


Returns domain information


Returns domain name


Returns a hash where the key is an index and the value is the fully-qualified path name of the folder. (Sample: {7 ⇒ Dev/Dept1/QA, 8 ⇒ Test/Dept2/QA}) This format is useful when a fully-qualified path is required to match the folder name. For example, if you had multiple QA folders under different departments in the sample above. To find the proper QA folder you need to evaluate the entire folder path.


Returns network information


Returns network scope


Returns the provision request object


Set the cluster to use based on object returned from eligible_clusters

set_customization_spec(name=nil, override=false)

Sets the name of the custom spec to use as defined by its name in Virtual Center (Note: This is not supported when being passed by VMware.)


Set the customization_template to use based on object returned from eligible_customization_templates

set_dvs(portgroup, switch = portgroup)

Set the name of the Distributed Virtual Switch (portgroup). An options <switch> name can also be passed

Example: miq_provision.set_dvs('default')


Set the folder to use based on object returned from eligible_folders. In addition, set_folder accepts the following folder types:

Folder Paths - separated by forward slashes. (Must include Data-center name.) Example: Prod/Discovered virtual machine where Prod is the Data-center name and Discovered virtual machine is the folder name.

Object returned from the get_folder_paths method


Set the host to use based on object returned from eligible_hosts

set_network_adapter(idx, nic_hash, value=nil)

Modifies the network card attached to the VM container

Available settings:

:is_dvs true / false (Default: false)

:network (Network Name)


:devicetype (Default: VirtualPCNet32) Defined by VMware: http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vc-sdk/visdk400pubs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard.html

:connectable ⇒ {:allowguestcontrol ⇒ true / false} (Default: true)

:connectable ⇒ {:startconnected ⇒ true / false} (Default: true)

:connectable ⇒ {:connected ⇒ true / false} (Default: true)

Example: prov.set_network_adapter(1, {:network ⇒ dvs_net1, :is_dvs ⇒ true} )


Available modes are dhcp and static

set_nic_settings(idx, nic_hash, value=nil)

Modifies the network interface settings at the operating system level

Available settings:

:addr_mode "dhcp" / "static" (Default: Statis)





:dns_servers (Windows Only) Comma separated values

:sysprep_netbios_mode (Windows Only) Defined by VMware: http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vc-sdk/visdk400pubs/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.customization.IPSettings.NetBIOSMode.html

:wins_servers Passed as a string specifying the Primary and Secondary WINS servers separated by a comma. "<PrimaryWINS>, <SecondaryWINS>"

Example: prov.set_nic_settings(1, {:ip_addr⇒, :subnet_mask⇒'', :gateway⇒'', :addr_mode⇒["static", "Static"] } )


Set the iso_image to use based on object returned from eligible_iso_images


Set the pxe_image to use based on object returned from eligible_pxe_images


Set the pxe_server to use based on object returned from eligible_pxe_servers


Set the resource_pool to use based on object returned from eligible_resource_pools


Set the Datastore (storage object) to use based on object returned from eligible_storages


Sets the name of the VLan to use

Example: miq_provision.set_vlan('default')


Sets text for the VM notes (aka annotation) field


Sets text for the VM notes (aka annotation) field


Set the windows_image to use based on object returned from eligible_windows_images


Returns the provision source type. (values are 'vm' or 'template')


Returns provision status


Returns the provision target type. (values are 'vm' or 'template')


Returns VDI Farm information


The newly created vm


Returns the template selected to be provisioned

  miq_provision = $evm.root["miq_provision"] || $evm.root['miq_provision']
  prov = $evm.root["miq_provision"]
  user = prov.miq_request.requester
  raise "User not specified" if user.nil?

  # Process Change Request Number and set VM Annotation
  intake = prov.get_option(:vm_description)
  intake = "Change Request#: #{intake}"

  # Set the customization spec based on the environment tag chosen in the dialog
  tags = prov.get_tags
  $evm.log("info","Tags: #{tags.inspect}")
  env = tags[:environment]
  $evm.log("info", "Mapping custom spec based on Category Environment <#{env}> chosen in the dialog")
  if env.eql? "dev"
    customization_spec = "Dev-Specification"
  if env.eql? "stg"
    customization_spec = "Stg-Specification"

  # Set the VM Notes as follows:
  vm_notes = "#{intake}"
  vm_notes +=  "\nOwner: #{miq_provision.get_option(:owner_first_name)} #{miq_provision.get_option(:owner_last_name)}"
  vm_notes += "\nEmail: #{miq_provision.get_option(:owner_email)}"
  vm_notes += "\nSource Template: #{miq_provision.vm_template.name}"

  # Drop the VM in the targeted folder
  # In VC a folder must exist that matches the LDAP Group
  # VM will be placed in the Folder
  if prov.get_option(:placement_folder_name).nil?
    # If you want to use a Default folder, set folder = below to the default
    #    folder = "22F DC/LAB FARM/GSE/Intel/Infrastructure/ManageIQ/SelfServiceVMs"
    folder = "DC1/Infrastructure/ManageIQ/SelfService"
    $evm.log("info", "Placing VM in VC folder: <#{folder}")
    $evm.log("info", "Set_folder called with [#{folder.inspect}]")


  # Set the IP Address based on the :mac_address entered in the dialog
  ipaddr = prov.get_option(:mac_address)

  if ! ipaddr.nil?
    # Set provisioning options to override options
    prov.set_option(:sysprep_spec_override, [true, 1])
    prov.set_option(:addr_mode, ["static", "Static"])
    prov.set_option(:ip_addr, ipaddr)
    # Reset :mac_address to nil
    prov.set_option(:mac_address, nil)

  $evm.log("info", "Provision Options: #{prov.options.inspect}")

  exit MIQ_OK

rescue => err
  $evm.log("info", "Set_folder err [#{err}]\n#{err.backtrace.join("\n")}")
Adding Disks to OpenStack Instance Provisioning

Using the clone_options, construct the keys and values required to define new disks as well as override or set other keys if needed.

Include the following settings with prov.set_options to set one or multiple volumes to attach. Note that each hash requires the :volume_id and :device_name keys.

clone_options = {
  :block_device_mapping => [
    {:volume_id => "d4xxxx92-5xx0-4xx9-bxx4-f1xxxxxxxx19", :device_name => "/dev/sdb"},
    {:volume_id => "e7xxxxf5-dxxd-4xx0-8xx3-a2xxxxxxxx12", :device_name => "/dev/sdc"},

prov = $evm.root["miq_provision"]
prov.set_option(:clone_options, clone_options)
Booting OpenStack Instances from Volume

You can boot instances created in Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform from a specified volume from an existing selection of block volumes. You can enable automate to pass the required parameters to OpenStack to use volumes as booting devices on an instance.

Include the following settings in the prov.set_option for provisioning instances created in OpenStack.

  :clone_options, {
    :image_ref => nil,
    :block_device_mapping_v2 => [{
      :boot_index => 0,
      :uuid => "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx",
      :device_name => "vda",
      :source_type => "volume",
      :destination_type => "volume",
      :delete_on_termination => false

You can allow passing “block_device_mapping_v2” in the clone options and remove keys from clone_options by setting value to nil.

VM Provisioning for Clouds Task (miq_provision_cloud)
Method Use
availability_zones Returns object’s availability zones
instance_types Returns object’s instance types
security_groups Returns object’s security groups
floating_ip_addresses Returns object’s floating IP addresses
cloud_networks Returns object’s cloud network
cloud_subnets Returns object’s cloud subnet
guest_access_key_pairs Returns object’s guest key pair
cloud_tenants Returns object’s cloud tenant

Service Template Provision Task (service_template_provision_task)

Method Use


Returns objects dialog options hash


Provides consolidated and configurable dialog parsing


Returns objects dialog value for the specified key


Returns the service resource for the task

set_dialog_option(key, value)

Sets a dialog option




Returns the tasks status

Service Reconfiguration Task (service_reconfigure_task)

Method Use
dialog_options Show all dialog options for object
get_dialog_option(key) Show a dialog option based stored in key
set_dialog_option(key, value) Set value as a dialog option in key
status Returns status of the task
finished(msg) Sets the task to finished with the supplied message

VM Migrate Task (vm_migrate_task)

Method Use
status Returns status of the migration task

Proxies (miq_proxy)

Method Use
host Returns object’s hosts
powershell(script, returns = ‘string’) Submits a powershell script

Servers (miq_server)

These methods are available to the ManageIQ Server.

Method Use
zone Returns ManageIQ Servers Zone
region_number Returns ManageIQ Servers Region Number
region_name Returns ManageIQ Servers Region Name
  # Method: dumpServer
  # Inputs: $evm.root['miq_server']
  # Description: Dump MIQ Server information
  def dumpServer
    $evm.log("info","#{@method} - Server:<#{$evm.root['miq_server'].name}> Begin Attributes")
    $evm.root['miq_server'].attributes.sort.each { |k, v| $evm.log("info", "#{@method} - Server:<#{$evm.root['miq_server'].name}> Attributes - #{k}: #{v.inspect}")}
    $evm.log("info","#{@method} - Server:<#{$evm.root['miq_server'].name}> End Attributes")
    $evm.log("info", "")

Network (network)

Method Use
hardware Returns objects hardware
guest_device Returns objects guest devices

PXE Image (pxe_image)

Method Use
customization_templates Returns objects customization templates
pxe_server Returns objects pxe server

PXE Server (pxe_server)

Method Use
advertised_images Returns objects advertised images
advertised_pxe_images Returns objects advertised pxe images
default_pxe_image_for_windows Returns objects default pxe image for windows
discovered_images Returns objects discovered images
discovered_pxe_images Returns objects discovered pxe images
images Returns objects images
pxe_images Returns objects pxe_images
windows_images Returns objects windows images

Security Groups (security_group)

Method Use
ext_management_system Returns object’s Management System
cloud_network Returns object’s cloud network
cloud_tenant Returns object’s cloud tenant
firewall_rules Returns object’s firewall rules
vms Returns object’s VMs

Service (service)

Method Use
custom_keys Returns custom keys
custom_get(key) Gets value for specified custom key
custom_set(attribute, value) Sets value for specified custom key
display=(display) Set display option
group=(group) Sets group that owns the service
name=(new_name) Sets name of service
owner=(owner) Sets owner of the service
request_retire Retire Service immediately
retirement_warn=(seconds) Sets when to send retirement warning
retires_on=(date) Sets retirement date
shutdown_guest Shuts downs guest operating system of the Service
start Start the Service
stop Stop the Service
suspend Suspend the Service
vms Show all virtual machines associated with this service
direct_vms Show virtual machines directly associated with this service
indirect_vms Show virtual machines associated with lower level services in the hierarchy
root_service Show the top level service in the hierarchy for the target service
all_service_children Show all lower level services to the target service in the hierarchy
direct_service_children Show direct services associated with the target service
indirect_service_children Show services associated with lower level services of the target service
parent_service Show the parent service for the target service
description=(new_description) Sets the service description
remove_from_vmdb Delete the service from the database
dialog_options Returns all dialog options
get_dialog_option(key) Returns a specific dialog option specified by key
set_dialog_option(key, value) Sets value of a dialog option specified by key

Service Resource (service_resource)

Method Use
service Returns the associated service
service_template Returns the associated service template
resource Returns the resource for the request
source Returns the source object

Service Template (service_template)

Method Use
group=(group) Sets group for the service template
owner=(owner) Sets owner for the service template

Snapshot (snapshot)

These methods can be used on Snapshots

Method Use
vm Returns Snapshots VM
current? Checks to see if this is the current snapshot
get_current_snapshot Returns the current snapshot id
revert_to Reverts to specified snapshot
remove Removes specified snapshot

Datastores (storage)

Method Use
ext_management_systems, Returns objects Management System
hosts Returns objects Hosts
vms Returns objects Virtual Machines
unregistered_vms Returns objects unregistered Virtual Machines
to_s Converts object to string
scan Performs SmartState Analysis on the object
  # Method: dumpStorage
  # Inputs: $evm.root['storage']
  # Description: Dump Storage information
  def dumpStorage(storage)
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Storage:<#{storage.name}> Begin Attributes")
    storage.attributes.sort.each { |k, v| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - Storage:<#{storage.name}> Attributes - #{k}: #{v.inspect}")}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Storage:<#{storage.name}> End Attributes")

    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Storage:<#{storage.name}> Begin Associations")
    storage.associations.sort.each { |assc| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - Storage:<#{storage.name}> Associations - #{assc}")}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Storage:<#{storage.name}> End Associations")

    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Storage:<#{storage.name}> Begin Virtual Columns")
    storage.virtual_column_names.sort.each { |vcn| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - Storage:<#{storage.name}> Virtual Columns - #{vcn}: #{storage.send(vcn)}")}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - Storage:<#{storage.name}> End Virtual Columns")

Switch (switch)

These methods can be used on Switches.

Method Use
host Returns switch’s Host
guest_devices Returns switch’s guest devices
lans Returns switch’s lans

User (user)

These methods can be used on the currently logged on user.

Method Use
current_group Returns user’s assigned internal group
custom_get(key) Returns the custom key value specified by “key”
custom_keys Returns an array of custom keys
custom_set(key,value) Sets custom value for “key” to “value”
email Returns user’s email address
get_ladap_attribute(name) Returns the value of the specified LDAP attribute
get_ldap_atttribute_names Returns user’s LDAP attribute names
ldap_group Returns user’s assigned LDAP group
miq_requests Returns user’s requests
name Returns user’s name
userid Returns user’s userid
vms Returns Virtual Machines that this user owns
  # Method: dumpUser
  # Inputs: $evm.root['user']
  # Description: Dump User information
  def dumpUser
    user = $evm.root['user']
    unless user.nil?
      $evm.log("info","#{@method} - User:<#{user.name}> Begin Attributes [user.attributes]")
      user.attributes.sort.each { |k, v| $evm.log("info", "#{@method} - User:<#{user.name}> Attributes - #{k}: #{v.inspect}")}
      $evm.log("info","#{@method} - User:<#{user.name}> End Attributes [user.attributes]")
      $evm.log("info", "")

      $evm.log("info","#{@method} - User:<#{user.name}> Begin Associations [user.associations]")
      user.associations.sort.each { |assc| $evm.log("info", "#{@method} - User:<#{user.name}> Associations - #{assc}")}
      $evm.log("info","#{@method} - User:<#{user.name}> End Associations [user.associations]")

      $evm.log("info","#{@method} - User:<#{user.name}> Begin Virtual Columns [user.virtual_column_names]")
      user.virtual_column_names.sort.each { |vcn| $evm.log("info", "#{@method} - User:<#{user.name}> Virtual Columns - #{vcn}: #{user.send(vcn).inspect}")}
      $evm.log("info","#{@method} - User:<#{user.name}> End Virtual Columns [user.virtual_column_names]")

Virtual Machines and Templates (vm_or_template)

The following methods can be used on a virtual machine or template object.

Method Use

add_disk [1]

Add storage to an existing VM.

This method accepts as parameters: disk_name, disk_size_mb, and options to pass values for :thinProvisioned, :dependent, and :persistent.

Example: vm.add_disk("[#{vm.storage_name}]", size_in_mb, thin_provisioned: true)


Checks the 2 most recent drift state captures , and answers whether the specified value changed between them


Collects the running processes of the object

create_snapshot(name, desc = nil)

Create a snapshot of the object. The name parameter is not used for Red Hat Virtualization virtual machines when creating a snapshot.


Get the value of specified ManageIQ Server key from the object


List all ManageIQ Server custom keys for the object

custom_set(key, value)

Set a custom ManageIQ Server key value


Returns objects Datacenter


Show the direct service relationship of the virtual machine


Returns number of directories on the object

ems_blue_folder (this will be reworked to be more VMware-specific)

Returns objects blue folder from VMware. These are the folders showing in VM and Templates view in VMware


Returns objects cluster


Gets specified key of custom Management System Attribute


List the custom keys defined by the Management System for the object

ems_custom_set(attribute, value)

Sets specified key and value of custom Management System Attribute


Returns objects folder on Management System


Returns unique identifier the Management System uses to identify this resource. For example, in VMware a VM would return a value like: "vm-26622"

event_log_threshold? (options)

Searches event log records to determine if an event has occurred x number of times within a defined time frame. Returns true if the number of matching records found are greater or equal to the specified freq_threshold, otherwise it returns false

Options values:

:message_filter_type - Must be one of "STARTS WITH", "ENDS WITH", "INCLUDES", "REGULAR EXPRESSION"

:message_filter_value - <string value to search for>

:time_threshold - Options time interval to search. Example: 2.days (Search the past 2 days of event logs) Default 10.days

:freq_threshold - Number of occurrences to check for. Default = 2

:source, :event_id, :level, :name - Options filter values


Checks if an event (or multiple events) have occurred X number of times in N seconds. The values below are used if no data is passed

event_threshold?(options = {:time_threshold ⇒ 30.minutes, :event_types ⇒ ["MigrateVM_Task_Complete"], :freq_threshold ⇒ 2})


Returns objects Management System


Returns number of files on the object

get_realtime_metric(metric, range, function)

Returns specified realtime metric


Sets objects group


Returns objects Guest Application list


Returns objects Hardware


Returns objects Host

migrate(host, pool = nil, priority = "defaultPriority", state = nil)

Migrates the object to another host. The only required parameter is host


If VM was created using ManageIQ Server provisioning, this is the miq_provision task instance that created the VM

move_into_folder(folder) [2]

Use this method to move VMware virtual machines into folders.


vm = Vm.find_by_name('<vm_name>')

folder = EmsFolder.find_by(:name ⇒ '<folder_name>')

vm.move_into_folder(folder) unless folder.nil?


Returns objects Operating System


Return objects owner


Sets objects owner


Based on options given, checks to see if a performance threshold is maintained for a time period

Example: vm.performances_maintains_value_for_duration?(:column ⇒ "cpu_usage_rate_average", :operator ⇒ "=", :value ⇒ 3.51, :duration ⇒ 20.minutes)


Reboots the guest operating system


Checks if hardware value has been reconfigured


Refresh power states and relationships of the object


Is the object registered?


Remove all of the objects snapshots


Removes the object from disk


Removes the object from the VMDB


Remove a specific snapshot based on the snapshot_id


Returns objects Resource Pool


Retire the object immediately


Send a retirement warning


Retire the object on date specified


Revert to a snapshot based on the snapshot_id

scan(scan_categories = nil)

Perform SmartState Analysis on the object. Scan_categories is optional


Show the top-level service for a virtual machine in a service hierarchy. For the immediate parent service relationship of a virtual machine, use direct_service


Shuts down the guest operating system of the object


Returns list of snapshots for the object


Puts the operating system on standby


Starts the object

See Samples/PowerOn_DHOB


Stops the object


Returns objects Datastore


Suspends the object


Converts object to string


Removes the reference to the VM’s Datastore


Unregisters the object from the Management System

  # Method: dumpVM
  # Inputs: $evm.root['vm']
  # Description: Dump VM information
  def dumpVM(vm)
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> Begin Attributes [vm.attributes]")
    vm.attributes.sort.each { |k, v| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> Attributes - #{k}: #{v.inspect}")}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> End Attributes [vm.attributes]")

    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> Begin Associations [vm.associations]")
    vm.associations.sort.each { |assc| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> Associations - #{assc}")}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> End Associations [vm.associations]")

    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> Begin Hardware Attributes [vm.hardware]")
    vm.hardware.attributes.each { |k,v| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> Hardware - #{k}: #{v.inspect}")}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> End Hardware Attributes [vm.hardware]")

    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> Begin Hardware Associations [vm.hardware.associations]")
    vm.hardware.associations.sort.each { |assc| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> hardware Associations - #{assc}")}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> End hardware Associations [vm.hardware.associations]")

    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> Begin Neworks [vm.hardware.nics]")
    vm.hardware.nics.each { |nic| nic.attributes.sort.each { |k,v| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> VLAN:<#{nic.device_name}> - #{k}: #{v.inspect}")}}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> End Networks [vm.hardware.nics]")

    unless vm.ext_management_system.nil?
      $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> Begin EMS [vm.ext_management_system]")
      vm.ext_management_system.attributes.sort.each { |ems_k, ems_v| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> EMS:<#{vm.ext_management_system.name}> #{ems_k} - #{ems_v.inspect}")}
      $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> End EMS [vm.ext_management_system]")

    unless vm.owner.nil?
      $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> Begin Owner [vm.owner]")
      vm.owner.attributes.each { |k,v| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> Owner - #{k}: #{v.inspect}")}
      $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> End Owner [vm.owner]")

    unless vm.operating_system.nil?
      $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> Begin Operating System [vm.operating_system]")
      vm.operating_system.attributes.sort.each { |k, v| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> Operating System - #{k}: #{v.inspect}")}
      $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> End Operating System [vm.operating_system]")

    unless vm.guest_applications.nil?
      $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> Begin Guest Applications")
      vm.guest_applications.each { |guest_app| guest_app.attributes.sort.each { |k, v| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> Guest Application:<#{guest_app.name}> - #{k}: #{v.inspect}")}} unless vm.guest_applications.nil?
      $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> End Guest Applications")

    unless vm.snapshots.nil?
      $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> Begin Snapshots")
      vm.snapshots.each { |ss| ss.attributes.sort.each { |k, v| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> Snapshot:<#{ss.name}> - #{k}: #{v.inspect}")}} unless vm.snapshots.nil?
      $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> End Snapshots")

    unless vm.storage.nil?
      $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> Begin VM Storage [vm.storage]")
      vm.storage.attributes.sort.each { |stor_k, stor_v| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> Storage:<#{vm.storage.name}> #{stor_k} - #{stor_v.inspect}")}
      $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> End VM Storage [vm.storage]")

    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> Begin Virtual Columns -----")
    vm.virtual_column_names.sort.each { |vcn| $evm.log("info", "#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> Virtual Columns - #{vcn}: #{vm.send(vcn).inspect}")}
    $evm.log("info","#{@log_prefix} - VM:<#{vm.name}> End Virtual Columns -----")
  # Method: createSnapshot

  def createSnapshot(vm, snap_name, snap_desc=snap_name)
    $evm.log("info","#{@method} - VM:<#{vm.name}> Creating Snapshot:<#{snap_name}> Description:<#{snap_desc}>")
    vm.create_snapshot(snap_name, snap_desc)
  # Red Hat Virtualization Virtual Machines
  # Method: createSnapshot

    def createSnapshot(vm, snap_desc=snap_name)
        $evm.log("info","#{@method} - VM:<#{vm.name}> Creating Snapshot:<#{snap_name}> Description:<#{snap_desc}>")

VMs (vm)

Method Use
add_to_service(service) Adds the VM to a service object
remove_from_service Removes the VM from its parent service

The following table lists the metric types available for the get_realtime_metric(metric, range, function) method for virtual machines.

Metric Description
v_derived_storage_used Capacity - Used space in bytes
v_pct_cpu_ready_delta_summation CPU - Percentage ready
v_pct_cpu_wait_delta_summation CPU - Percentage wait
v_pct_cpu_used_delta_summation CPU - Percentage used
v_derived_vm_count State - Peak average virtual machines (Hourly Count / Daily Average)
v_derived_cpu_reserved_pct CPU - Percentage available
v_derived_memory_reserved_pct Memory - Percentage available

The following Ruby snippet demonstrates using the get_realtime_metric(metric, range, function) method using the v_pct_cpu_ready_delta_summation metric.

host = $evm.root['vm']
cpu_rdy = vm.get_realtime_metric(:v_pct_cpu_ready_delta_summation, [15.minutes.ago.utc,5.minutes.ago.utc], :avg)
VMs for Clouds (vm_cloud)
Method Use
availability_zone Returns object’s availability zone
flavor Returns object’s favor
cloud_network Returns object’s cloud network
cloud_subnet Returns object’s cloud subnet
floating_ip Returns object’s floating IPs
security_groups Returns object’s security groups
key_pairs Returns object’s key pairs

Windows Image (windows_image)

Method Use
customization_templates Returns the images customization templates.
pxe_server Returns the images pxe server.

Creating Categories and Tags

These methods are invoked using $evm.execute. See after the table for usage examples.

Method(parameter) Use


Checks to see if a tag category exists. Usually used with unless or if to then create a category that does not exist.

Example: $evm.execute('category_exists?', "department")


Creates a new category, and if only one tag value from this category can be assigned to a configuration item, sets that tag value using the single_value option.

Example: $evm.execute('category_create', :name ⇒ "department", :single_value ⇒ false, :description ⇒ "Department")


The category_create method currently does not work as expected. The user interface shows the value provided for :description in the Display Name field and the value provided for :example_text is displayed in the Description field.


Checks to see if a tag exists in a category.

Example: $evm.execute('tag_exists?', "department", "finance")


Creates a new tag in the specified category.

Example: $evm.execute('tag_create', "department", :name ⇒ "finance", :description ⇒ "Finance")

Category and Tags Methods Example

In this example, the VMDB is checked to see if the Department category exists. If it does, then a message is logged. If not, the category is created and a message is logged. Values are then added to the category.

if $evm.execute('category_exists?', "department")
  $evm.log("info", "Classification department exists")
  $evm.log("info", "Classification department doesn't exist, creating category")
  $evm.execute('category_create', :name => "department", :single_value => false, :description => "Department")
  $evm.log("info", "Adding new tag in Department Category")
  $evm.execute('tag_create', "department", :name => "finance", :description => "Finance")


Method(parameter) Use

vms_by_owner, vms_by_group, vms_by_owner_and_group

Collect stats about existing VMs by owner or in the same LDAP group as the owner in the current request.

Sample return object:

{:class_name⇒"Vm", :count⇒5, :ids⇒[22, 120, 121, 122, 117], :cpu⇒6, :memory⇒5120, :allocated_storage⇒29032972288, :used_storage⇒29032972288}

retired_vms_by_owner, retired_vms_by_group, retired_vms_by_owner_and_group

Collect stats about retired VMs, that have not been deleted from the host, by owner or in the same LDAP group as the owner in the current request.

Sample return object:

{:class_name⇒"Vm", :count⇒5, :ids⇒[22, 120, 121, 122, 117], :cpu⇒6, :memory⇒5120, :allocated_storage⇒29032972288, :used_storage⇒29032972288}

provisions_by_owner, provisions_by_group

Collect stats based on provisions running on the same day as the current request (based on scheduled date or immediate) by owner or in the same LDAP group as the owner. (Results do not include Provision Requests that have not been approved.)

Sample return object:

{:class_name⇒"MiqProvisionRequest", :count⇒6, :ids⇒[115, 116, 104, 102, 105, 112], :cpu⇒6, :memory⇒1536, , :storage⇒62914560}

requests_by_owner, requests_by_group

Collect stats based on provision requests made the same day as the request by the same owner or LDAP group as the owner in the current request, regardless of when the provision request is scheduled to run. (Results do not include Provision Requests that have been denied.)

Sample return object:

{:class_name⇒"MiqProvisionRequest", :count⇒6, :ids⇒[115, 116, 104, 102, 105, 112], :cpu⇒6, :memory⇒1536, , :storage⇒62914560}

active_provisions_by_owner, active_provisions_by_group, active_provisions

Collect stats based on currently active provision requests by the same owner or LDAP group as the owner in the current request.

Sample return object:

{:class_name⇒"MiqProvisionRequest", :count⇒6, :ids⇒[115, 116, 104, 102, 105, 112], :cpu⇒6, :memory⇒1536, , :storage⇒62914560}

  1. Supported for Red Hat Virtualization and VMware virtual machines

  2. Supported for VMware virtual machines only


  • Account Role A designation assigned to a user allowing or restricting a user to parts and functions of the ManageIQ console.

  • Action An execution that is performed after a condition is evaluated.

  • Alert ManageIQ alerts notify administrators and monitoring systems of critical configuration changes and threshold limits in the virtual environment. The notification can take the form of either an email or an SNMP trap.

  • Analysis Profile A customized scan of hosts, virtual machines, or instances. You can collect information from categories, files, event logs, and registry entries.

  • Cloud A pool of on-demand and highly available computing resources. The usage of these resources are scaled depending on the user requirements and metered for cost.

  • ManageIQ appliance A virtual machine on which the virtual management database (VMDB) and ManageIQ server reside.

  • ManageIQ Console A web-based interface into the ManageIQ appliance.

  • ManageIQ Role A designation assigned to a ManageIQ server that defines what a ManageIQ server can do.

  • ManageIQ Server The application that runs on the ManageIQ appliance and communicates with the SmartProxy and the VMDB.

  • Cluster Hosts that are grouped together to provide high availability and load balancing.

  • Condition A test of criteria triggered by an event.

  • Discovery Process run by the ManageIQ server which finds virtual machine and cloud providers.

  • Drift The comparison of a virtual machine, instance, host, cluster to itself at different points in time.

  • Event A trigger to check a condition.

  • Event Monitor Software on the ManageIQ appliance which monitors external providers for events and sends them to the ManageIQ server.

  • Host A computer on which virtual machine monitor software is loaded.

  • Instance/Cloud Instance A on-demand virtual machine based upon a predefined image and uses a scalable set of hardware resources such as CPU, memory, networking interfaces.

  • Managed/Registered VM A virtual machine that is connected to a host and exists in the VMDB. Also, a template that is connected to a provider and exists in the VMDB. Note that templates cannot be connected to a host.

  • Managed/Unregistered VM A virtual machine or template that resides on a repository or is no longer connected to a provider or host and exists in the VMDB. A virtual machine that was previously considered registered may become unregistered if the virtual machine was removed from provider inventory.

  • Provider A computer on which software is loaded which manages multiple virtual machines that reside on multiple hosts.

  • Policy A combination of an event, a condition, and an action used to manage a virtual machine.

  • Policy Profile A set of policies.

  • Refresh A process run by the ManageIQ server which checks for relationships of the provider or host to other resources, such as storage locations, repositories, virtual machines, or instances. It also checks the power states of those resources.

  • Regions Regions are used to create a central database for reporting and charting. Regions are used primarily to consolidate multiple VMDBs into one master VMDB for reporting.

  • Resource A host, provider, instance, virtual machine, repository, or datastore.

  • Resource Pool A group of virtual machines across which CPU and memory resources are allocated.

  • Repository A place on a datastore resource which contains virtual machines.

  • SmartProxy

    • The SmartProxy is a software agent that acts on behalf of the ManageIQ appliance to perform actions on hosts, providers, storage and virtual machines.

    • The SmartProxy can be configured to reside on the ManageIQ appliance or on an ESX server version.

    • The SmartProxy can be deployed from the ManageIQ appliance, and provides visibility to the VMFS storage. Each storage location must have a SmartProxy with visibility to it. The SmartProxy acts on behalf of the ManageIQ appliance.

    • If the SmartProxy is not embedded in the ManageIQ server, it communicates with the ManageIQ appliance over HTTPS on standard port 443.

  • SmartState Analysis Process run by the SmartProxy which collects the details of a virtual machine or instance. Such details include accounts, drivers, network information, hardware, and security patches. This process is also run by the ManageIQ server on hosts and clusters. The data is stored in the VMDB.

  • SmartTags Descriptors that allow you to create a customized, searchable index for the resources in your clouds and infrastructure.

  • Storage Location A device, such as a VMware datastore, where digital information resides that is connected to a resource.

  • Tags Descriptive terms defined by a ManageIQ user or the system used to categorize a resource.

  • Template A template is a copy of a preconfigured virtual machine, designed to capture installed software and software configurations, as well as the hardware configuration, of the original virtual machine.

  • Unmanaged Virtual Machine Files discovered on a datastore that do not have a virtual machine associated with them in the VMDB. These files may be registered to a provider that the ManageIQ server does not have configuration information on. Possible causes may be that the provider has not been discovered or that the provider has been discovered, but no security credentials have been provided.

  • Virtual Machine A software implementation of a system that functions similar to a physical machine. Virtual machines utilize the hardware infrastructure of a physical host, or a set of physical hosts, to provide a scalable and on-demand method of system provisioning.

  • Virtual Management Database (VMDB) Database used by the ManageIQ appliance to store information about your resources, users, and anything else required to manage your virtual enterprise.

  • Virtual Thumbnail An icon divided into smaller areas that summarize the properties of a resource.

  • Zones ManageIQ Infrastructure can be organized into zones to configure failover and to isolate traffic. Zones can be created based on your environment. Zones can be based on geographic location, network location, or function. When first started, new servers are put into the default zone.