
Scripting Actions in ManageIQ

The Automate model provides flexibility to not only change parts of the provisioning process, but also to allow you to automate other operational tasks. Below are some scenarios where the Automate model can help accomplish these tasks.

  • Intelligent Workload Management - An enterprise had a requirement that when a virtual machine has reached a High CPU Percent Ready for a specified period of time, a vMotion should occur to a more suitable host. For this reason, VMware’s Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) was not practical, as the CPU Ready metric could not trigger DRS. The solution was to leverage ManageIQ Control and ManageIQ Automate to drive the management of this workflow.

  • Power on only during business hours - An organization which gave a group of self-service users ManageIQ access had a requirement to only allow certain virtual machines to be powered during business hours. This was solved with ManageIQ Automate.

  • Auto-Tagging virtual machines based on file contents - An IT organization needed a way to consume information from a text file on a virtual machine and dynamically populate vCenter. The data used to auto-tag virtual machines is also used to align unmanaged virtual machines to the business.

Updates to Rails and Ruby

Changes within Ruby and Rails versions can create issues for custom code and automation in ManageIQ environments.

Before proceeding with major upgrades that include changes to versions of Ruby and Rails, review the below resources.

Updates and Changes in Rails

See Rails Releases for information on each release of Rails. To compare versions of Rails, see Comparing changes in Rails.

Updates and Changes in Ruby

See Ruby Releases for information on each release of Ruby by version number. To compare versions of Ruby, see Comparing changes in Ruby.

Understanding the Automate Model

Automate enables real-time, bi-directional process integration. This provides users with a method to implement adaptive automation for management events and administrative or operational activities.

Automate Model

The Automate model is arranged to provide an object oriented hierarchy to control automation functions. The model uses the following organizational units arranged in a hierarchy:

  • Datastore - The main organization unit that stores the entire model.

  • Domains - Domains act as collection of automation functions. Functions are executed depending on the order of Domain priority, which means a function in a Domain with a higher priority overrides the same functions specified in a lower-priority Domain. This allows ManageIQ to specify a core Domain (ManageIQ) but allow users to override automate functions with custom Domains. Each Domain contains a set of Namespaces.

  • Namespaces - Containers that organize and categorize functions of the model. Namespaces can contain child Namespaces as well as Classes.

  • Classes - Templates for a specific function of the model. Each Class uses a Schema to apply to Instances to populate with default values. Each class also can contain a set of methods.

  • Instances - An instance is a version of a class populated with initial configuration data. An instance can include a collection of any number of attributes, calls to methods, and relationships.

  • Methods - Methods are functions within the model. Methods use Ruby code to execute various operations needed for a Class.

ManageIQ contains a preconfigured Domain for users:

  • ManageIQ - The core domain for ManageIQ Automate operations. This domain is locked with the following Namespaces:

    • Cloud - General cloud instance lifecycle from provisioning, retirement, methods, email.

    • Control - Control contains email alerts for policy controls.

    • Infrastructure - General infrastructure VM lifecycle from provisioning, retirement, methods, email.

    • Integration - Used to interface with systems outside of ManageIQ. Use this namespace to integrate with additional systems.

    • Service - Service lifecycle from provisioning, retirement, methods, email.

    • System - System contains classes that can provide the start points for all ManageIQ Automate activities.

You can copy classes and instances from locked Domains into your own custom domains.


Changing the existing classes or instances shipped with the product is not recommended because this may hinder the operation of ManageIQ. You can link to these methods using relationships.

To reset the Automate model to default settings, navigate to Automate > Import/Export and click the Reset option.

Creating a Domain

  1. Navigate to Automation > Automate > Explorer. The default view is the Datastore.

  2. Click image (Configuration), then image (Add a New Domain).

  3. Type in a unique Name and Description. Choose if the Domain is Enabled.

  4. Click Add.

The new domain is created.

Editing a Domain

  1. Navigate to Automation > Automate > Explorer. The default view is the Datastore.

  2. Select the Domain you want to edit.

  3. Click image (Configuration), then image (Edit Selected Domain).

  4. Make the required edits.

  5. Click Save.

You have edited the selected domain.

Deleting a Domain

  1. Navigate to Automation > Automate > Explorer. The default view is the Datastore.

  2. Select the Domain that you want to delete.

  3. Click image (Configuration), then image (Remove This Domain).

  4. A window to confirm the removal of Domain appears.

  5. Click OK.

The selected Domain is deleted.

Importing a Domain from a Git Repository

ManageIQ can import an Automate domain from a Git repository by specifying a repository and branch, along with user details. Currently, you can only add git domains via the Import/Export area of the user interface.

Import Datastore

  1. Navigate to Automation > Automate > Import/Export.

  2. In Import Datastore via git, enter the Git URL. Select the branch or tag to use.

  3. Optionally, enter a Username and Password.

  4. Select Verify Peer Certificate if desired.

  5. Click Submit.

The new domain is imported via Git repository. Note that the domain is validated on import.

Changing Priority Order of Domains

Functions are executed depending on the order of Domain priority. Use this procedure to change the priority order of domains.

  1. Navigate to Automation > Automate > Explorer. The default view is the Datastore.

  2. Select the Domains you want to change the priority order for.

  3. Click image (Configuration), then image (Edit Priority Order of Domains).

  4. The list of Domains selected shows up. Note that you cannot change the priority of locked Domains and therefore locked Domains do not show up on the list.

  5. Select one or more consecutive groups to move up or down to change their priority as required.

  6. Click Save.

Creating a Namespace

  1. Navigate to Automation > Automate > Explorer. The default view is the Datastore.

  2. Navigate through the various Domains and Namespaces until you reach the desired location for your new Namespace.

  3. Click image (Configuration), then image (Add a New Namespace).

  4. Type in a unique Name and Description.

  5. Click Add.

The new Namespace is created.

Creating a Class

  1. Navigate to Automation > Automate > Explorer, navigate to the namespace you want to add a class to.

  2. Click image (Configuration), then image (Add a new Class).

  3. Type in a unique Name and Description.

  4. If you want to use the schema from a class that has already been created, select it from the Inherits From dropdown. If the class that the new class inherits from changes, the new class will also change.

  5. Click Add.

The new class is created and you can create a schema, add instances and methods.


For each class, create a schema if you did not choose to inherit from an existing class. The schema can include attributes, methods, assertions, and relationships.

Creating a Schema for a Class

This procedure shows you how to create a schema.

  1. Navigate to Automation > Automate > Explorer, and click the class you want to define a schema for.

  2. Click on the Schema tab.

  3. Click image (Configuration), then image (Edit selected Schema).

  4. Click image (Click to add a new field) to create a new field.

  5. Type in a Name for the new field.

  6. From Type, select Assertion, Attribute, Method, Relationship, or State.

  7. If applicable, select a Data Type and set a Default Value.

  8. Type in a user friendly Display Name and Description.

  9. Check Sub to enable the substitution syntax of ${}. Uncheck it if you want to use that syntax as a regular string.

  10. Fill in Collect and Message as required. Collect is used to roll up values from resolved relationships. For example, a relationship can resolve to a large object tree. Use collect to specify how to pull out data from those child objects into the current object. If you give collect a name value, it will store the method result in an attribute of the current object with that name.

  11. On Entry, On Exit, On Error, Max Retries, and Max Time are fields used mostly for state machines. Leave blank if not applicable.

  12. Click image (Add this entry) to confirm the fields values.

  13. For each new field, repeat steps 4 through 10.

  14. When you have created all of the fields, click Save.

The class schema is created, and you can now add instances to it.


You may need to edit a class schema to reorder, add, edit, or remove a field. Classes define the order in which fields are processed and you may need to process some items before others.

Editing a Field in a Schema

This procedure describes how to edit schema fields.

  1. Navigate to Automation > Automate > Explorer.

  2. Click the class you want to define a schema for.

  3. Click the Schema tab.

  4. Click image (Configuration), then image (Edit selected Schema).

  5. Make required changes to any of the definitions for the field.

  6. To remove a field, click image (Click to delete this field from the schema).

  7. Click Save when you are finished editing the schema.

Once the schema is created, you can add instances and methods to the class.

Editing Schema Sequence

This procedure shows you how to change schema sequence.

  1. Navigate to Automation > Automate > Explorer.

  2. Click the class you want to change the schema sequence for.

  3. Click the Schema tab.

  4. Click image (Configuration), then image (Edit Sequence).

  5. In the Class Schema Sequencing area, click the field you want to change the sequence for.

    • To move a field up in the order of resolving an instance, click image (Move selected field up).

    • To move a field down in the order of resolving an instance, click image (Move selected field down).

  6. Click Save when you are finished editing the sequence.

Adding an Instance to a Class

This procedure shows you how to create an instance.

  1. Navigate to Automation > Automate > Explorer.

  2. Click the class you want to define a schema for.

  3. Click the Instances tab.

  4. Click image (Configuration), then image (Add a new Instance).

  5. In the Main Info area, type in a Name, Display Name and Description.

  6. In the Fields area, type in an appropriate value for each field, leave the field blank if no value is required, or use the default value.

  7. Click Add.

Copying a Class or Instance

  1. Navigate to Automation > Automate > Explorer. The default view is the Datastore.

  2. Navigate through the various Domains and Namespaces until you reach the desired class or instance to copy.

  3. Click image (Configuration), then either (Copy this Class) or (Copy this Instance) depending on the object chosen.

  4. Choose the target Domain in the To Domain drop-down menu.

  5. The object retains the same path as the From Domain and overrides the class in From Domain if the To Domain has a high priority. You can also untick the Copy to same path option to specify a new Namespace.

  6. Click Add.


Relationships are used to connect to other instances in the Automation Datastore. Relationships are formed using URI syntax. The following can also be passed through a relationship:

  • Use # to set the message to send to the item in the relationship.

  • To pass an input to the method use ? followed by the item to pass.

  • If you want to use a substitution, the syntax is $\{} with the substitution located between the brackets.

Example Explanation
/Cloud/VM/Provisioning/Naming/Default#create This relationships uses the Default instance of the Naming class, which provides a means for other classes to name virtual machines. The relationship sends the create message to the class.
/Cloud/VM/Provisioning/StateMachines/VMProvision_VM/AcquireMACAddress#$\{#ae_message} This relationships substitutes the message to send to the AcquireMACAddress instance of the VMProvision_VM class with the value in ae_message.
/Cloud/VM/Retirement/Email/vm_retirement_emails?event=vm_retired Invokes the vm_retirement_emails instance of the Email class. Also sends the value vm_retired in the event attribute, which is used in the vm_retirement_emails method.
/Service/Lifecycle/Retirement?service_id=$\{process#service_id} Invokes the Retirement instance of the Lifecycle class and send a replacement value in process#service_id to the service_id attribute.


Methods are pieces of code associated with a class or object to perform a task. ManageIQ allows for Ruby methods or backing a method using an Ansible playbook. You can create your own methods or use relationships to link to pre-existing ones.

ManageIQ ships with a core set of Ruby gems used by the ManageIQ Rails Application. The Ruby gems in this set are subject to change. If you are calling gems using Automate that are no longer in this release, you can install them by using the gem install command.

While gems can be imported into automation methods using require, it is recommended that the authors of the automation methods clearly document the use of gems either in the core set or a custom set. It is the responsibility of the author of such custom automation to own the life cycle of any gem being referenced in those methods.

The Release Notes list Ruby gems that have been added, updated, or removed in the latest version of ManageIQ.

Creating a Method

This procedure shows you how to create a method.

  1. Navigate to Automation > Automate > Explorer, navigate to the class where you want to create a method.

  2. Click the Methods tab.

  3. Click image (Configuration), image (Add a New Method).

  4. In the Main Info area, type in a Name and Display Name.

  5. For Location, select inline. Once selected, you will be presented with a Data area in which to write or copy the script.

  6. Click Validate to check the syntax.

  7. Click Add.

Creating a Dynamic Content Dialog

The procedure describes the steps to create a dynamic content dialog.

  1. Navigate to Automation > Automate > Explorer.

  2. From the accordion menu, click DOMAIN > Cloud > VM > Operations > Methods.


    DOMAIN must be a user-defined Domain and not the locked ManageIQ Domain. If necessary, you can copy the class from the ManageIQ domain into a custom domain.

    This example uses the Cloud Namespace but can also use the Infrastructure namespace.

  3. Click image (Configuration), then image (Add a new Instance).

  4. In the Main Info area, enter Name = dynamic_list, replacing dynamic_list with an appropriate name for the method.

  5. Enter a Display Name and Description.

  6. In the Fields area, enter Value = dynamic_list. Leave the other fields blank or use the default values.

  7. Click Add.

  8. Navigate to Methods tab.

  9. In the Main Info area, enter Name = dynamic_list and populate the Data section with the example automate method below.

  10. Click Add.

  11. Set the automate entry point for the dialog control; use the new instance created in step four. You can create a new domain and copy the method to that domain.

    #  Automate Method
    dialog_field = $evm.object
    # sort_by: value / description / none
    dialog_field["sort_by"] = "value"
    # sort_order: ascending / descending
    #dialog_field["sort_order"] = "ascending"
    # data_type: string / integer
    dialog_field["data_type"] = "integer"
    # required: true / false
    # dialog_field["required"] = "true"
    dialog_field["values"] = {1 => "one", 2 => "two", 10 => "ten", 50 => "fifty"}
    dialog_field["default_value"] = 2

Creating a Playbook Automate Method

ManageIQ can choose an Ansible playbook from a repository and execute it as a method. Each playbook method can take additional input parameters specified by the user.


  • You must first sync your playbook repositories before using them to create a method. See Adding a Playbook Repository in Managing Providers for information on initial playbook repository set-up.

  • Using Ansible playbooks to populate dynamic dialog fields is not recommended due to delay times caused by the overhead of interaction between systems.

  • Only users with administrator privileges can run a service dialog based on a playbook automate method.

To create a playbook automate method:

  1. Navigate to Automation > Automate > Explorer, then click on a domain under Datastore.

  2. Under a namespace, select the class for which you want to create a new method.

  3. Click the Methods tab.

  4. Click image (Configuration) then, image (Add a New Method).

  5. In the Main Info area, select Playbook from the Type dropdown menu.

  6. Provide a Name and Display Name.

  7. Select a playbook Repository from the list.

    1. Choose a Playbook to use.

    2. Select the Machine Credential the playbook will use when it runs.

    3. Select the Vault Credential to use.

    4. From the Cloud Type list, select a cloud provider.

    5. Choose the Cloud Credential that corresponds to the selected cloud type.

  8. Specify the Hosts on which the playbook will run. Choose Localhost or provide unique values in the Specify host values field.

  9. Set the Max TTL in minutes. The Time To Live (TTL) field allows you to set the maximum execution time for the playbook to run.

  10. Select when to receive Logging Output from the options in the drop-down menu.

  11. Use the Escalate Privilege toggle switch to enable user privilege escalation if credentials are called for during the playbook run.

  12. Choose a Verbosity value to set the debug level for playbook execution.

  13. Add required Input Parameters using the fields and values available. Click the add parameter to add additional input parameters.


    Input parameters become extra vars, with substitution enabled. This overcomes the lack of a dialog which would normally allow for the input of additional information. For more information on extra vars, see the Ansible documentation.

  14. Click Add when finished.

Once created, the domain including your playbook method can be exported to appliances in your testing or production environments or imported in appliances in multiple regions.


To import a domain with a playbook method, you must have an existing Ansible playbook on the destination environment with the same name or the import will fail.

See Exporting All Datastore Classes for information.

Passing variables between successive playbook methods

Automate designers can pass variables between successive Ansible playbook methods in a state machine using ManageIQ.

To pass variables between Ansible playbook methods, use the set_stats module in your playbooks.


# This playbook prints a simple debug message
- name: Echo Hello, Fred and Wilma
  hosts: localhost

  - name: "playbook1 - testing input vars"
        pb_var1a: ""
        pb_var1b: ""

  - debug: msg="Hello,  and "

For more information on the set_stats module, see the Ansible documentation.

Expression Methods

ManageIQ additionally provides support for Expression Methods, that allow you to use advance search filters as Automate Methods, substituting the user input from Automate Objects. Expression methods have several distinct advantages, including: running directly in the worker appliance; removing the overhead of forking a DRb process to run the Automate Methods; no Ruby code required; and prebuilt for Dynamic Dialogs.

Input Parameters

Expression methods allow for substitution of user input through input parameters,

Input Parameter Explanation
arg The argument used in the expression. Each argument should employ the prefix arg. Example: arg1: the first argument in the expression; arg2: the second argument in the expression; argn: the nth argument in the expression.
Optional Input Parameters


If attributes and distinct are not specified we try to store the result in a variable called values with a hash consisting of id and name. This makes it compatible with our existing dynamic dialog result set.

Optional Input Parameter Explanation
attributes A comma delimited list of attributes to select from the resultant objects. This should me marked as an Array Type in the Input Parameters field.
distinct A comma delimited list of attributes which are distinct in the resultant objects.This should me marked as an Array Type in the Input Parameters field.
result_obj The object where the result data should be stored. (default: current object)
result_attr The name of the attribute which stores the result. (default: values)
result_type The result type hash or array (default: dialog_hash which matches to our dynamic dialog hash. Valid values are ‘hash’, ‘dialog_hash’, ‘array’, ‘simple’
on_empty The method behavior when the search returns an empty list.
error Abort. (default: error)
default The default value in case the result is empty and you select warn.

Creating an Expression Method

Expression methods allow you to use advance search filters as automate methods, substituting user input at runtime, and making them ideal for dynamic dialogs.

To create an expression method:

  1. Navigate to Automation > Automate > Explorer, then click on a domain under Datastore.

  2. Under a namespace, select the class for which you want to create a new method.

  3. Click the Methods tab.

  4. Click image (Configuration) then, image (Add a New Method).

  5. In the Main Info area, select expression from the drop-down menu.

  6. Provide a Name and Display Name.

  7. Select an Expression Object from the drop-down menu.

  8. In the Expression editor, create the expression by setting the controls and values used at runtime:

    1. Using the drop-down menu, select the value to use. Based on your selection, choose or input additional values from the drop-down menus or text fields that appear.

    2. In the Contains field, input a value or click User will input the value.

    3. Click image to complete the expression.

  9. Add Input Parameters for each of the user input fields required.

    1. Click image to add a new parameter.

    2. Provide a Name, Default Value and select a Data Type for each parameter.

    3. Click image to add the parameter.


      If User will input the value is checked, arguments for each input parameter names using the prefix “arg”.

      For example, if there are 3 fields then the input parameter names should be arg1, arg2, and arg3. If there are two runtime parameters arg1 and arg2 must be defined in the input parameters. In the default value for these fields values can be substituted from other objects in the Automate Workspace.

  10. Click Add.


After your model is designed, use the simulate page to test it. It allows you to see the results in tree and XML view.

Simulating an Automate Model

This procedure shows you how to simulate an automate model.

  1. Navigate to Automation > Automate > Simulation.

  2. In Object Details, select a type of object from /System/Process/ that will initiate the model. The Message should be create. Type in the name of the Request where you are starting from.


  3. Select the Type of item you want to run the simulation on. Then, select a specific one to use as the example.


  4. Check Execute Methods if you want to perform the model and not just simulate it.


  5. Type in the Attribute/Value Pairs fields if applicable.

  6. Click Submit.

Click on the Tree View or XML View tabs to see results.

Importing, Exporting, and Resetting the Datastore

The Automate Model can be exported and imported as a YAML file. ManageIQ allows you to back up your model by export. Red Hat may provide you with new or updated classes, and provides an import function for either a class or the entire model. Finally, you can reset the datastore to its default. Always be sure to export the current datastore before importing or resetting.


The datastores you are exporting or importing between must use the same ManageIQ version.

Exporting All Datastore Classes

This procedure shows you how export datastore classes as a YAML file.

  1. Navigate to Automation > Automate > Import/Export.

  2. Click image (Export all Datastore classes and instances to a file).

  3. Follow your browser’s prompts to save the file.

The datastore is zipped and exported as a YAML file.

Importing Datastore Classes

This procedure shows you how to import datastore classes.

  1. Navigate to Automation > Automate > Import/Export.

  2. Export the datastore so that you have a backup.

  3. Click Choose file to navigate to the location of the *.zip file to import.

  4. Click Upload.

  5. After the file has uploaded, specify the following using the dropdown menus:

    • The domain to import into

    • The domain to import from

    • All namespaces you wish to import

  6. Click Commit to finish importing the selected domain.

The datastore is imported from the uploaded YAML files.

Resetting Datastores to the Default

This procedure shows you how reset the datastores to the default.

  1. Navigate to Automation > Automate > Import/Export.

  2. Export the datastore so that you have a backup.

  3. Click Reset (Reset all components in the built-in domains).

  4. Click OK.

Invoking Automate

Automate Examples

This chapter describes the ways to invoke an Automate workflow. Automation can be initiated through an alert, an event, a ManageIQ application, or a custom button. The same automation process can be re-used across more than one of these. For example, using automation to remove orphaned virtual machines and instances could be initiated by:

  • An administrator request from the ManageIQ console (from a custom button)

  • An alert indicating the datastore has less than 20% free-space

  • A virtual machine or instance unregistered event is detected

All invocations of an automate model must enter through the /System/Process namespace.

Invoking Automate using a Custom Button

Invoke an Automate model by mapping an Ansible playbook or instance from the /System/Process/Request class to a custom button. Before creating the button, you need to have an Ansible playbook service catalog item or an instance in the /System/Process/Request class to map to it and a button group to assign it to.

Create buttons for a cluster, host, datastore, provider, virtual machines or cloud instances. When the button is clicked, the model or playbook will be invoked for the selected item. For each of these, you can have up to 15 buttons.

Creating a Custom Button Group

This procedure shows you how to create a custom button group.

  1. Browse to menu: Automation > Automate > Customization.

  2. Click the Buttons accordion.

  3. From the Object Types tree, select the type of object you want to create the button group for.

  4. Click imageConfiguration, imageAdd a new Button Group.

  5. Type in a Button Group Text and Button Group Hover Text, and select the Button Group Image that you want to use.

  6. If custom buttons have already been created, assign them to the button group. If not, see Creating a Custom Button.

  7. Click Add.

The button group will show in the object type you added the button to.

Creating a Custom Button

This procedure shows you how to create a custom button.


Custom buttons can be migrated to other ManageIQ appliances. See Migrating Custom Buttons for guidance on migrating custom buttons to a new ManageIQ appliance.

  1. Browse to menu: Automation > Automate > Customization.

  2. Click the Buttons accordion.

  3. From the Object Types tree, select the type of object you want to create the button for.

  4. Click Unassigned Buttons.

  5. Click Configuration, then image Add a new Button.


    If image Add a new Button is not available, that means you have not created a button group for that object. To continue, create a button group first. See Creating a Custom Button.

  6. Under the Options tab:

    1. Select the Button type from the list.

    2. Enter button Text and Hover Text, and select the Icon and Icon Color to use.

    3. Select a Dialog if applicable.

    4. Check Open URL to open a browser window for the custom URL returned when the button is executed.

    5. Choose a Display For option for the button.

    6. Select a Submit parameter to choose how to submit objects to automate. Selecting Submit All will pass all objects at once when the button is executed, while choosing One by one will run execute the button action each time per object.

  7. Under the Advanced tab:

    1. Set button Enablement. Click Define Expression to access the expression editor tool. Enter Disabled Button Text to display when the custom button is disabled.

    2. Use Visibility to determine button appearance based on a custom expression. Click Define Expression to access the expression editor tool.


      For more about setting visibility and enablement for a custom button, see Filtering.

    3. In Object Details, select Request from the /System/Process/ dropdown. By default, the message is create. Do not change it.

    4. Enter a Request name for the /System/Process/Request instance.

    5. Enter the Attribute/Value Pairs fields if applicable.

    6. Set Role Access. Selecting <By Role> will display available roles. Check applicable roles.

  8. Click Add when you have confirmed that the button accomplishes the task you want.

The button will show in the object type you added the button to.

Please note that there are two ways of creating custom buttons, and creation through the “Automation > Automate > Generic Objects” screen will necessitate adding an attribute/value pair that is not required when adding through the “Automation > Customization > Buttons” screen.

Creating an Ansible Playbook Button

ManageIQ includes an option to create an Ansible Playbook custom button. This feature allows users to select a playbook to run as well as an inventory target to run it against. An Ansible playbook type button can be defined for any object type available.


An Ansible Playbook catalog item must exist in order to create an Ansible Playbook custom button. For more information, see Creating an Ansible Playbook Service Catalog Item in the Provisioning Virtual Machines and Hosts guide.

  1. Navigate to Automation > Automate > Customization.

  2. Click the Buttons accordion.

  3. From the Object Types tree, select the type of object you want to create the button for.

  4. Click Unassigned Buttons.

  5. Click image(Configuration), then image (Add a new Button).


    If image (Add a new Button) is not available, that means you have not created a button group for that object. To continue, see Creating a Custom Button Group.

  6. Select Ansible Playbook from the Button Type drop-down menu.

  7. From the Playbook Catalog Item choose a playbook-backed catalog item to run.

  8. Choose a host from the Inventory against which to run the playbook. If Specific Hosts is selected, input the IP address or DNS names for each host in the text field, separating each with a comma.


    ManageIQ supports two configurations for host value input:

    • To allow user-provided host values, set the custom button to Specific Hosts and leave the associated text field blank.

    • To use admin-specified host values, remove the Hosts field when creating the dialog the service uses. In this configuration, the field will not appear to users. See Service Dialogs for information on generating a service dialog.

  9. Type in a Text and Hover Text, and select the Icon you want to use.

  10. Select an Icon Color from the color selection palette that pops up.

  11. Check Open URL to open a browser window for the custom URL returned when the playbook is run.

  12. Select display options for the Ansible Playbook button from the Display for drop-down menu. Choose for the button to display in the list view, for single entities, or both.

  13. Choose how to submit objects to automate by selecting an option from the Submit drop-down menu. Selecting Submit all will pass all objects at once when the playbook is executed, while choosing One by one will run the the playbook each time per object.

  14. Click Add when you have confirmed that the button accomplishes the task you want.

Editing a Custom Button

This procedure shows you how to edit a custom button.

  1. Navigate to Automation > Automate > Customization.

  2. From the Object Types dropdown, select the type of object you want to edit the button for.

  3. Click the button you want to edit.

  4. Click image(Configuration), image (Edit this Button).

  5. Modify as required.

  6. Click Save.

Deleting a Custom Button

This procedure shows you how to delete a custom button.

  1. Navigate to Automation > Automate > Customization, then select the Buttons accordion.

  2. From the Object Type tree in the accordion menu, select the type of object you want to remove the button from.

  3. Click image (Configuration). then click image (Remove this button).

  4. Click OK to confirm that you want to delete this button.

Setting Enablement and Visibility for Custom Buttons

ManageIQ adds methods for evaluating an expression to determine whether a custom button is visible and enabled. Each method has a target object, for example, a virtual machine or host, and expressions can set a custom button to visible, hidden, or disabled.


Filtering works on single objects and is not applicable to lists.

To apply filtering actions to a custom button:

  1. Navigate to Automation > Automate > Customization.

  2. Click the Buttons accordion. Select the custom button to use.

  3. Click image(Configuration), then image (Edit this Button).

  4. Click the Advanced tab.

  5. To set enablement filtering on a custom button:

    1. Under Enablement, click on Define Expression.

    2. Create a visibility expression using the expression editor tools.

    3. Click Confirm (Confirm) when finished defining the expression.

    4. Provide Disabled Button Text in the field.

  6. To set visibility filtering on a custom button:

    1. Under Visibility, click on Define Expression.

    2. Create a visibility expression using the expression editor tools.

    3. Click Confirm (Confirm) when finished defining the expression.

  7. Click Save.

Using a Custom Button

This procedure shows you how to use custom buttons to invoke a cluster, host, datastore, provider, virtual machine or instance.

  1. Go to the page for the item that you created a button for.

  2. Click the custom button group from the taskbar, and then your custom button.

The automate model is invoked for the specified item.

Initiating Automate from an Event

You can also use a ManageIQ Policy Event to initiate automation. You can either use the provided Raise Automation Event action or create a custom automation action. The first case will start in the /System/Process class, but then go to the Event that initiated the Automate model in the /System/Process/Event Class. If you create your own custom action, it will start from the /System/Process class and then go to the /System/Process/Request Class instead.

For example, suppose that you always want the same Automate model to occur when a virtual machine is created. You would use the Raise Automation Event Action. There are instances in the /System/Process/Event Class for the following Events that you can select as part of a Policy:


Creating a Policy for Automate

This procedure shows you how to create a policy for automate.

  1. Navigate to Control > Explorer.

  2. Click the Policies accordion, and select Control Policies.

  3. Select Vm Control Policies.

  4. Click image(Configuration), then image (Add a New Control Vm Policy).

  5. Type in a Description.

  6. Uncheck Active if you do not want this policy processed even when assigned to a resource.

  7. Click Add. You are brought to the page where you add conditions and events to your new policy.

  8. Click image(Configuration), then image (Edit this Policy’s Event assignments).

    • Check the events you want to use to send to an Automate Model.

    • Click Save.

    • From the Events area, click on the Description of the Event you want to assign an action to.

    • Click image (Edit Actions for this Policy Event).

  9. Select Raise Automation Event, and click image (Move selected Actions into this Event).

  10. Click Save.

You can now assign this policy to a Policy Profile. Then, assign the policy profile to the virtual machines. Every time this event happens on the virtual machine the appropriate Automate Model will be initiated.


If you want the policy to initiate an Automate Model from the /System/Process/Request class, then you can create your own custom action. Be sure to have an instance in the /System/Process/Request class for it to map to.

Creating a Custom Automate Action

This procedure shows you how to create a custom Automate action.

  1. Navigate to Control > Explorer accordion.

  2. Click the Actions accordion.

  3. Click image(Configuration), then image (Add a new Action).

  4. Type in a Description for the Action.

  5. Select Invoke a Custom Automation from Action Type.

  6. In Custom Automation,

    • For Message, type create.

    • For Request, type in the name of the instance of the /System/Process/Request Class in the second.

  7. Type in the Attribute/Value Pairs fields if applicable.

  8. Click Add.

The action is created and can be added to a policy.


Virtual Machine Properties

When using these items in a method, prefix them with vm.. For example: vm.storage_id.

Friendly Name or Description Raw Column Name
Allocated Disk Storage allocated_disk_storage
Autostart autostart
Blackbox Exists blackbox_exists
Blackbox Validated blackbox_validated
Boot Time boot_time
Busy busy
Cluster ems_cluster_name
Configuration XML config_xml
Connection State connection_state
CPU Affinity cpu_affinity
CPU Limit cpu_limit
CPU Reserve cpu_reserve
CPU Reserve Expand cpu_reserve_expand
CPU Shares cpu_shares
CPU Shares Level cpu_shares_level
Created on Time ems_created_on
Currently Used Space used_storage_by_state
Datastore Path v_datastore_path
Date Created created_on
Date Updated updated_on
Description description
Ems ems_id
Evm Owner evm_owner_id
Evm Owner Email evm_owner_email
Evm Owner Name evm_owner_name
ManageIQ Unique ID (Guid) guid
Format format
Host host_id
Host Name host_name
Id id
Is a Template v_is_a_template
Last Analysis Attempt On last_scan_attempt_on
Last Analysis Time last_scan_on
Last Compliance Status last_compliance_status
Last Compliance Timestamp last_compliance_timestamp
Last Perf Capture On last_perf_capture_on
Last Sync Time last_sync_on
Location location
Memory Limit memory_limit
Memory Reserve memory_reserve
Memory Reserve Expand memory_reserve_expand
Memory Shares memory_shares
Memory Shares Level memory_shares_level
Name name
OS Name os_image_name
Owner owner
Paravirtualization paravirtualization
Parent Cluster v_owning_cluster
Parent Datacenter v_owning_datacenter
Parent Folder (Hosts & Clusters) v_owning_folder
Parent Folder (VMs & Templates) v_owning_blue_folder
Parent Folder Path (Hosts & Clusters) v_owning_folder_path
Parent Folder Path (VMs & Templates) v_owning_blue_folder_path
Parent Host Platform v_host_vmm_product
Parent Resource Pool v_owning_resource_pool
Pct Free Disk v_pct_free_disk_space
Platform platform
Power State power_state
Previous State previous_state
Registered registered
Reserved reserved
Retired retired
Retirement retirement
Retires On retires_on
Service service_id
Smart smart
Standby Action standby_action
State Changed On state_changed_on
Storage storage_id
Storage Name storage_name
Template template
Thin Provisioned thin_provisioned
Tools Status tools_status
Total Provisioned Space provisioned_storage
Total Snapshots v_total_snapshots
Total Used Disk Space used_disk_storage
Uid Ems uid_ems
Uncommitted Space uncommitted_storage
Used Storage used_storage
V Pct Used Disk Space v_pct_used_disk_space
VDI Available vdi_available
VDI Connection DNS Name vdi_connection_dns_name
VDI Connection Logon Server vdi_connection_logon_server
VDI Connection Name vdi_connection_name
VDI Connection Remote IP Address vdi_connection_remote_ip_address
VDI Connection Session Name vdi_connection_session_name
VDI Connection Session Type vdi_connection_session_type
VDI Connection URL vdi_connection_url
VDI Endpoint IP Address vdi_endpoint_ip_address
VDI Endpoint MAC Address vdi_endpoint_mac_address
VDI Endpoint Name vdi_endpoint_name
VDI Endpoint Type vdi_endpoint_type
VDI User Appdata vdi_user_appdata
VDI User DNS Domain vdi_user_dns_domain
VDI User Domain vdi_user_domain
VDI User Home Drive vdi_user_home_drive
VDI User Home Path vdi_user_home_path
VDI User Home Share vdi_user_home_share
VDI User Logon Time vdi_user_logon_time
VDI User Name vdi_user_name
Vendor vendor
Version version
VMsafe Agent Address vmsafe_agent_address
VMsafe Agent Port vmsafe_agent_port
VMsafe Enable vmsafe_enable
VMsafe Fail Open vmsafe_fail_open
VMsafe Immutable VM vmsafe_immutable_vm
VMsafe Timeout (ms) vmsafe_timeout_ms

Virtual Machine Properties

Methods for use in Ruby Scripts

To use one of these in one of your own Ruby methods, use the syntax of vm.method. For example, to reboot the guest operating system, use vm.rebootGuest.

Method Description
start Start Virtual Machine container.
stop Stop Virtual Machine container.
suspend Suspend Virtual Machine container.
unregister Unregister Virtual Machine.
collect_running_processes Collect the running processes from a started Virtual Machine.
shutdownGuest Shutdown the guest operating system of the VM container. Requires VMware tools (or vendors tools) installed on the guest.
standbyGuest Put the guest operating system into standby. Requires VMware tools (or vendors tools) installed on the guest.
rebootGuest Reboot the guest operating system. Requires VMware tools (or vendors tools) installed on the guest.

Host Properties

When using these items in a method, prefix them with host, such as host.ems_id.

Friendly Name or Description Raw Column Name
All Enabled Ports all_enabled_ports
Annotation v_annotation
Authentication Status Authentication_status
Connection State connection_state
CPU usage MHz rate average over time period cpu_usagemhz_rate_average_avg_over_time_period
CPU usage MHz rate high over time period cpu_usagemhz_rate_average_high_over_time_period
CPU usage MHz rate low over time period cpu_usagemhz_rate_average_low_over_time_period
Custom Attribute 1 custom_1
Custom Attribute 2 custom_2
Custom Attribute 3 custom_3
Custom Attribute 4 custom_4
Custom Attribute 5 custom_5
Custom Attribute 6 custom_6
Custom Attribute 7 custom_7
Custom Attribute 8 custom_8
Custom Attribute 9 custom_9
Date Created created_on
Derived memory usage average over time period derived_memory_used_avg_over_time_period
Derived memory usage high over time period derived_memory_used_high_over_time_period
Derived memory usage low over time period derived_memory_used_low_over_time_period
Ems ems_id
Enabled Inbound Ports enabled_inbound_ports
Enabled Outbound Ports enabled_outbound_ports
Enabled Run Level 0 Services enabled_run_level_0_services
Enabled Run Level 1 Services enabled_run_level_1_services
Enabled Run Level 2 Services enabled_run_level_2_services
Enabled Run Level 3 Services enabled_run_level_3_services
Enabled Run Level 4 Services enabled_run_level_4_services
Enabled Run Level 5 Services enabled_run_level_5_services
Enabled Run Level 6 Services enabled_run_level_6_services
Enabled TCP Inbound Ports enabled_tcp_inbound_ports
Enabled TCP Outbound Ports enabled_tcp_outbound_ports
Enabled UDP Inbound Ports enabled_udp_inbound_ports
Enabled UDP Outbound Ports enabled_udp_outbound_ports
EVM Unique ID (Guid) guid
Hostname hostname
Id id
IP Address ipaddress
Last Compliance Status last_compliance_status
Last Compliance Timestamp last_compliance_timestamp
Last Perf Capture On last_perf_capture_on
Last Analysis Time last_scan_on
Name name
OS Name os_image_name
Platform platform
Power State power_state
Region Description region_description
Region Number region_number
Reserved reserved
Service Names service_names
Settings settings
Smart smart
SSH Root Access ssh_permit_root_login
Uid Ems uid_ems
Date Updated updated_on
User Assigned Os user_assigned_os
Parent Cluster v_owning_cluster
Parent Datacenter v_owning_datacenter
Parent Folder (Hosts & Clusters) v_owning_folder
Total Datastores v_total_storages
Total VMs v_total_vms
VMM Build Number vmm_buildnumber
VMM Platform vmm_product
VMM Vendor vmm_vendor
VMM Version vmm_version

Provider Properties

When using these items in a method, prefix them with ems, such as ems.ems_id.

Friendly Name or Description Raw Column Name
Aggregate VM CPUs aggregate_vm_cpus
Aggregate VM Memory aggregate_vm_memory
CPU Ratio v_cpu_vr_ratio
CPU Usage MHZ Rate Average High Over Time Period cpu_usagemhz_rate_average_high_over_time_period”
CPU Usage MHZ Rate Average Low Over Time Period cpu_usagemhz_rate_average_low_over_time_period
CPU Usage MHZ Rate Average Over Time Period cpu_usagemhz_rate_average_avg_over_time_period
Date Created created_on
Date Updated updated_on
Derived Memory Usage Rate Average High Over Time Period derived_memory_used_high_over_time_period
Derived Memory Usage Rate Average Low Time Period derived_memory_used_low_over_time_period
Derived Memory Usage Rate Average Over Time Period derived_memory_used_avg_over_time_period
Distributed Resource Scheduler Automation Level drs_automation_level
Distributed Resource Scheduler Enabled drs_enabled
Distributed Resource Scheduler Migration Threshold drs_migration_threshold
EMS ID ems_id
EVM Zone zone_name
High-Availability Admission Control ha_admit_control
High-Availability Enabled ha_enabled
High-Availability Max Failures ha_max_failures
Id id
Last Performance Data Captured last_perf_capture_on
Last Smart State Analysis last_scan_on
Memory Ratio v_ram_vr_ratio
Name name
Parent Datacenter v_parent_datacenter
Qualified Description v_qualified_desc
Region Description region_description
Region Number region_number
Reserved reserved
Total CPU Speed aggregate_cpu_speed
Total Hosts total_hosts
Total Memory aggregate_memory
Total Number of Logical CPUs aggregate_logical_cpus
Total Number of Physical CPUs aggregate_physical_cpus
Total Vms total_vms
Unique Identifier uid_ems

Storage Properties

When using these items in a method, prefix them with storage, such as storage.name.

Friendly Name or Description Raw Column Name
Date Created created_on
Date Updated updated_on
Disk Files Percent of Used v_disk_percent_of_used
Free Space free_space
Free Space Percent of Total v_free_space_percent_of_total
Id id
Last Analysis Time last_scan_on
Last Perf Capture On last_perf_capture_on
Location location
Multiple Host Access multiplehostaccess
Name name
Non-VM Files Percent of Used v_debris_percent_of_used
Other VM Files Percent of Used v_vm_misc_percent_of_used
Provisioned Space Percent of Total v_provisioned_percent_of_total
Reserved reserved
Size of Non-VM Files v_total_debris_size
Size of Other VM Files v_total_vm_misc_size
Size of VM Memory Files v_total_vm_ram_size
Size of VM Snapshot Files v_total_snapshot_size
Snapshot Files Percent of Used v_snapshot_percent_of_used
Store Type store_type
Total Hosts v_total_hosts
Total Managed Registered Vms total_managed_registered_vms
Total Managed Unregistered Vms total_managed_unregistered_vms
Total Provisioned Space v_total_provisioned
Total Space total_space
Total Unmanaged Vms total_unmanaged_vms
Total VMs v_total_vms
Uncommitted uncommitted
Used Space v_used_space
Used Space Percent of Total v_used_space_percent_of_total
VM Memory Files Percent of Used v_memory_percent_of_used

Storage Properties

FAQs and Flows

Phase 1: Create Provision Request


Question Answer
Where do I create a new provisioning profile based on a users LDAP group? Navigate to [VM / Provisioning / Profile] of either the Cloud or Infrastructure namespace in your domain.
Where can I specify a pre-dialog to present to a Requester in their LDAP group? Custom pre-dialogs can be defined in [`VM / Provisioning /
Profile / `\] of either the **Cloud** or **Infrastructure** namespace in your domain.  
I would like to customize our dialogs. Where are all the dialogs kept? All dialogs are located on each ManageIQ appliance in the /var/www/miq/vmdb/db/fixtures directory.
What happens if I do not specify any profiles for provisioning? ManageIQ searches for a matching LDAP group in the [VM / Provisioning / Profile] class of either the Cloud or Infrastructure namespace in your domain. If an LDAP profile is NOT found then ManageIQ will use the missing class instance.

Phase 2: Request Approval


Question Answer
Where can I specify auto-approval values on a per virtual machine template basis? Tags can be assigned to templates in the form of [prov_max_vms, prov_max_cpus, prov_max_memory, prov_max_retirement_days].
Where can I modify the default Auto-Approval values? These values can be set in the [`Service / Provisioning / StateMachines /
ServiceProvisionRequestApproval / Default`] class instance in your domain.  
How can I customize the email that is sent when a request is approved? The Request Approved email message can be modified in [VM / Provisioning / Email / MiqProvisionRequest_Approved] in either the Cloud or Infrastructure namespace of your domain.
How can I customize the email that is sent when a request is denied? The Request Denied email message can be modified in [VM / Provisioning / Email / MiqProvisionRequest_Denied] in either the Cloud or Infrastructure namespace of your domain.
How can I customize the email that is sent when a request is not Auto-approved? The Request Pending email message can be modified in [VM / Provisioning / Email / MiqProvisionRequest_Denied] in either the Cloud or Infrastructure namespace of your domain.
If a Request Approval requires manual approval, how does an Approver approve the request? Log into ManageIQ as an approver/admin and navigate to Virtual Machines > Requests and then click on the request.

Phase 3: Quota Validation

Question Answer
Where in ManageIQ can I set default quota thresholds for users and groups? These values can be set in the [`VM
Provisioning / StateMachines / ProvisionRequestQuotaVerification`] class instance of either the Cloud or Infrastructure namespace in your domain.  
Where in ManageIQ can I set individual and group quota thresholds? Tags can be assigned to groups or users by navigating to Configuration > Access Control. The following are valid tags that can be assigned to group or individual users: [quota_max_cpu, quota_max_memory, quota_max_storage].
Where can I customize the way our virtual machines are named? Virtual machine naming conventions can be altered using the methods in the [`VM /
Provisioning / Naming`] class of either the Cloud or Infrastructure namespace in your domain.  
How can I customize the email that is sent when a request is denied? The Request Denied email message can be modified in the [`VM /
Provisioning / Email / MiqProvisionRequest_Denied`] in either the Cloud or Infrastructure namespace of your domain.  

Phase 4: Provisioning

Target Type: Cloning a Template to a Virtual Machine.

Target Type: Cloning a Template to a Virtual

Target Type: Clone to Template.

Target Type: Clone to Template

Question Answer
Where can I customize the email message that is sent upon provisioning completion? This can be customized using the [`VM / Provisioning / Email
/ MiqProvision_Complete` ] in either the Cloud or Infrastructure namespace of your domain.  
Where can I change what is put into the virtual machines Annotation after provisioning? These settings can be modified by leveraging the _PreProvision Ruby methods in [`VM / Provisioning / StateMachines /
Methods`] in either the *Cloud</emphasis> or Infrastructure namespace of your domain.  
Where do I set the default VC folder location for provisioning virtual machines? This can be modified by leveraging by leveraging the _PreProvision Ruby methods in [`VM / Provisioning / StateMachines /
Methods`] in either the *Cloud</emphasis> or Infrastructure namespace of your domain.  
Where can I modify the virtual machine customization spec mapping? This can be modified by leveraging by leveraging the `_PreProvision
Ruby methods in \[VM / Provisioning / StateMachines / Methods`] in either the *Cloud</emphasis> or Infrastructure namespace of your domain.  
Where can I modify the Clone_to_Template state_machine? Navigate to [VM / Provisioning / StateMachines / VMProvision_VM / template] in either the Cloud or Infrastructure namespace of your domain.
Where can I modify the Clone_to_VM state_machine? Navigate to [`VM /
Provisioning / StateMachines / VMProvision_VM / clone_to_vm`] in either the Cloud or Infrastructure namespace of your domain.  

Phase 5: Retirement


Question Answer
Where can I customize the email message that is sent upon completion of virtual machine retirement? This can be customized using the [`VM /
Retirement / Email / vm_retirement_emails`] in either the Cloud or Infrastructure namespace of your domain.  
Where can I customize the email message that is sent during virtual machine retirement warnings? This can be customized using the [`VM /
Retirement / Email / vm_retirement_emails`] in either the Cloud or Infrastructure namespace of your domain.  
If I want to customize what gets called during the retirement phase where should I look? This can be customized using the [`VM / Retirement
/ StateMachines / VMRetirement`] in either the Cloud or Infrastructure namespace of your domain.  
How can I extend the virtual machine retirement date an additional number of days? Create a custom button for virtual machines that launches [/System/Request/vm_retire_extend]. Then navigate to the [`VM /
Retirement / Email / vm_retire_extend\] Ruby method in the **Cloud** or **Infrastructure** namespaces and set the vm_retire_extend_days` value.  

Inline Method to Create a Provision Request

Ruby method

# ManageIQ Automate Method
$evm.log("info", "ManageIQ Automate Method  Building VM Provisioning Request Started")
prov= $evm.root['miq_provision']

  # arg1 = version
  args = ['1.1']
  # arg2 = templateFields
  args << {'name' => 'App'}
  # arg3 = vmFields
  args << {'vm_name' => 'CRM_APP', 'request_type' => 'template'}
  # arg4 =  requester
  args << {'owner_email' => 'admin@asd.com', 'owner_last_name' => 'Admin', 'owner_first_name' => 'Admin', 'user_name' => 'admin'}
  # arg5 =  tags
  args << {'crm' => 'true'}
  # arg6 =  WS Values
  args << nil
  # arg7 = emsCustomAttributes
  args << nil
  # arg8 = miqCustomAttributes
  args << nil

$evm.log("info","Building provisioning request with the following arguments: <#{args.inspect}>")
result = $evm.execute('create_provision_request', *args)

Migrating Custom Buttons

Migrating Custom Buttons

This workflow demonstrates how to export custom buttons from one ManageIQ appliance and import them in another ManageIQ appliance.

  1. Export custom buttons from the source ManageIQ appliance:

    1. SSH into the ManageIQ appliance as root.

    2. Create a temporary directory:

      # mkdir /tmp/custom_buttons
    3. Browse to the Virtual Management Database (VMDB) directory:

      # vmdb
    4. Export custom buttons using the following rake command:

      # rake evm:export:custom_buttons -- --directory /tmp/custom_buttons
    5. Confirm the yaml file was created by navigating to the new directory:

      # cd /tmp/custom_buttons
  2. Copy the directory to the target ManageIQ appliance:

    scp -r /tmp/custom_buttons/ hostname:/tmp/custom_buttons
  3. Import custom buttons on the target ManageIQ appliance:

    1. SSH to the target ManageIQ appliance as root.

    2. Browse to the VMDB directory:

      # vmdb
    3. Import custom buttons using the following rake command:

      # rake evm:import:custom_buttons -- --source /tmp/custom_buttons

To verify successful import of custom buttons:

  1. Log in to the target ManageIQ appliance.

  2. Browse to menu: Automation > Automate > Customization.

  3. Click Buttons in the accordion menu.

Imported buttons will appear under the parent Object Type.