ManageIQ Sprint 16 Report
It’s that time again - today at 10:30am EST is the latest sprint report. If you’re interested in hearing what’s on the roadmap, you’ll want to join us on a web conference.
Sprint 16 report from ManageIQ
Today's topics:
* Charting Enhancements (D. Clarizio)
* I18N Progress (D. Clarizio)
* Cloud Orchestration (G. McCullough)
* Automate Enhancements (G. McCullough)
* Default LDAP Group for Authentication (G. McCullough)
* Amazon Events (G. Blomquist)
* Technical Debt - SmartProxy, Rails Backports (J. Rafaniello)
* IPv6 Communications (J. Rafaniello)
* Rest API Enhancements (A. Bellotti)
* Fleecing Tests (R. Oliveri)