This is the May celebration of our 95 pull requests merged by 27 people, of which of course, you too could be one, unless you already are quite that fortunate:
ManageIQ Blog
Tagged with Lwimiq
Last Month in ManageIQ: Playtest Session 1
Last Month in ManageIQ: Multiple Automates In Flight, Interleaving, And Then :explosion:
We no longer start another refresh worker while another is stopping. If you are still reading this, please continue to 2.
Last Month in ManageIQ: Unspeakable Horrors
Last Month in MIQ is a column about code and code things: everything code, except actual code.
Last Month in ManageIQ: To Queue Or Not To Queue
To queue, or not to queue, that is the question:
Whether ‘tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
The Slings and Arrows of memcached in containers,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of zone spec failures,
And by opposing end them: to die, to sleep
No more; and by a sleep, to say we end
The Heart-ache, and the thousand Natural shocks
That Flesh is heir to? ‘Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep,
To sleep, perchance to Dream; Aye, there’s the rub.
Last Month in ManageIQ: Building A Blog Post
Building A Blog Post
Last Month in ManageIQ: APTLMiMIQ
“My name is Ilnarin,” the proud dwarf announced, “daughter of Raszaka, daughter of Ellina, daughter of Almyara, heir to the kingdom of Vik-Huzth, Queen of the Neither-Under-Nor-Over-Folk, ring-carrier, dragon-slayer, M.D., Rt Hon.”
Last Month in ManageIQ: Reckonings
Last Month in ManageIQ: A Sea Shanty
This week is a sing-along MIQ Sea Shanty after the style of the old “Roll the Old Chariot Down”
Last Month in ManageIQ: YALMiMIQ
It’s an oppressively clammy summer Saturday afternoon. You have the weekend to write YALMiMIQ. It’s Saturday and you can afford to procrastinate. You open the GitHub query and peruse the recent additions anyway, wondering what to showcase this time.
Last Month in ManageIQ: Two McMinutes
You wake up. You’re in your house. There’s a gigantic white dog slumbering peacefully with one eye open and a timer that appears to be counting down 120 seconds. You jump up, grab the timer, and run out. You stumble out into a huge monochrome map. North? West? One way is blocked. A minute left. There’s a lighthouse right next to you. You climb as the timer counts down. As the seconds slip away, you find an important quest item at the top of the lighthouse. Congrats! You are holding a tool to process logs looking for frequency of method calls! Ding! The time is up.
You wake up in your little house. There’s the dog… and oh yeah, you suddenly recall that you got an item yesterday. You look around for it. The dog is drooling all over it in its slumber. You sigh but are afraid to wake the beast. You grab the timer and run outside again. The lighthouse is gone, and the only way open to you today is south. You head south as the timer counts down, pausing to examine a stray catalog item with a tag control element. You see that the item is broken, that you cannot order it as you should be able to. You drop it in frustration. Ding!
You wake up. The dog is nowhere to be seen. Incidentally, your tool to process logs isn’t either, and you wonder ruefully if you should have saved it from its fate. The timer is counting down. You grab it and run, heading south again until you reach your catalog item with a tag control element from yesterday. And lo and behold, it appears to be fully functional today! Marvelling, you barely notice that you’re again out of time.
You wake up. The dog is back. Your process logs tool is beaten up but still mostly intact. You grab it and the timer. The dog stirs but does not wake. You hide the tool in your chest, delighting at the fact that it also contains a new Openstack Cinder EventCatcher worker and head out again with the timer. This time there appears to be a small river next to your house. You head towards the sound of the water. On the beach are several RHV markers. Delighted, you grab them. Ding!
You wake up to a very strange sight. The dog has seemingly grown very long claws and is reading on the floor. You stumble to your feet and back up a few steps hurridly. The beast looks at the ticking timer and barks once, a strange bark infused with the burning smell of charter magic. The timer stops. The dog languidly looks up at you, its paws growing back to their regular size, and noses the book towards you. You stare blankly at the upsidedown page, struggling to decipher the seven words which have appeared in front of your eyes. “Fixes disk size misreporting for some disks”, you read. The dog barks again, and the time is, once again, up.
You wake up. You realize with some dread that a sense of realism, concise documentation, perfecting the art of recognizing and handling abnormal people, moving to the eighth dimension, secret messages from your teeth, knowing every line of Airplane!, the music that is sometimes known as blues, a misguided but adorable belief in meaning, or even the sudden development of some semblance of a personality cannot save you.
You cannot be saved.
Last Month in ManageIQ: quandaries
Since its founding in 2018, Last Month In MIQ has been the absolute golden standard for journalistic integrity, never afraid to grab truth by the scruff of the neck and shake it up a little. Of course, that being said, we do ever so occasionally take a break from our regularly scheduled program to bring you insights into the minds of our crack team here at MIQ. I know you look forward to such rare occasions with baited breath. Best not to think about what it’s baited with.
Unfortunately the current run of our blog has had to be mostly abandoned because of its low visibility and a striking case of writers’ remorse, but we felt that our readers would still want to know a little something of the private lives of our contributors.
Last Month in ManageIQ II by Drew: Vignettes
write yet another one. When will this madness end? They are tempting the very threads of fate herself, letting d-m-u
get away with this twice in a row. Who knows what horrors will befall you this time. You shudder. If you are lucky, it will be only physical monsters, not the unearthly disturbances of time and dark and cold that have been evoked with such disasterous results previously. You had held out a smattering of hope that d-m-u's
prose might be gentled the way that centuries of water smooth a pebble, but such hope is whisked away with the next thought: you never know, with these texts, if you will exist outside the inky blackness, cursed to only watch as the story dismally unfolds before your eyes, or if you will be a deeply unwilling participant, your agency slave to the whims of an unreliable, mercurial narrator.
Last Week in ManageIQ: First Mast Lonth
First Mast Lonth
Last Week in ManageIQ: 2017: Rear-View Mirror Reflections
HELLO Folks! Aparna here with a special year-end edition for the ‘Last Week in ManageIQ’. Strap on your seat belts as we get into the time portal machine and review what made 2017 special.
Last Week in ManageIQ: Wrapping up Bugs
Welcome to this week’s edition of LWIMIQ! It’s beginning to look a lot like the holiday season, and we sure have been as busy as ’s elves with wrapping
up bugs.
Last week in ManageIQ - Fixing bugs
Hi. I, ZitaNemeckova will tell you more about our effort to improve our codebase. It’s not only about fixing code but also about cleaning and deleting. If you never used static analysis tool to find dead methods this post is for you.
Last Week in ManageIQ: Bugs In Fix Out
Hello there! This week’s LWIMIQ is contributed by Harpreet Hope everyone in the US had a wonderful time enjoying Thanksgiving feast with family and friends, and of course shopping Black Friday deals. With Christmas and New Year right around the corner everyone must be in holiday mode, while our team at ManageIQ is working hard to get Gaprindashvili as stable as possible. Since we are in a bug fixing phase not much to report features/enhancement wise from my side.
Last Week in ManageIQ: Because you know I'm all about the bugs
It’s that time of year again what with; Thanksgiving, Black Friday deals, and many other seasonal holidays around the corner. On everyone’s mind though before we get to all that are… …bugs. Lots and lots of bugs. Well more specifically bug fixes. With the Gaprindashvili release just around the corner, the team is busy busy, fixing bugs and making the bestest release of ManageIQ yet.
if on a Jersey night
You are about to read d-m-u’s latest blog post. So it goes. Relax. Concentrate. Dispel every other thought. Let the world around you fade. Center yourself. It’s a difficult task, as you know. We got a bunch of robot computer people sittin’ around with their faces stuffed in computer screens. Breathe. Ignore all the robot computer people commotion around you.
Last Week in ManageIQ: Please call me Gapri if it helps you relax
Wohoo! It’s here again! All the features we were working on over the truly Fine summer, are now released in new version, Gaprindashvili.
Crossword LWIMIQ
A Puzzle for your Perusal
Last Week in ManageIQ: Survey Says
Hi all,…John Prause here. Last Week in ManageIQ, we reviewed the responses provided by our community users to a survey with five questions. The questions were as follows:
- How satisfied are you with the look and feel of the ManageIQ user interface?
- What are the challenges you face when getting started with ManageIQ?
- Do you attend the ManageIQ Sprint Reviews held every two weeks?
- Do you know how to contribute to the ManageIQ open source project?
- Is there anything else you’d like to share about ManageIQ?
Last Week in ManageIQ: How was your last week ?
Hi all!
Last Week in ManageIQ: Yep
Yep, it’s syncrou here again for another entry in LWIMIQ.
Last Week in ManageIQ: Exploring Budapest while the others are working
Hello everyone, my name is Dávid Halász and I’d like to guide you through the changes we made in the last week.
Last Week in ManageIQ: Last week of summer ...
This last week of summer found the team back to work on our next release, following an engaging and productive all-hands engineering forum in New Jersey.
Last Week in ManageIQ: All Hands Busy
Last week, most engineering hands were busy in an internal Engineering All-Hands meeting. A few stray hands still found the opportunity to submit some PRs, but there were no available fingers for typing up an entry for “Last week in ManageIQ”. So please allow me, Carol, to paw in a few words in this edition.
Last Week in ManageIQ: Why Changelogs - Cause all the Cool Kids Do It
Hi all,…John Prause here. I’m usually the one behind-the-scenes, but I thought I’d take a shot at writing one of these, so here goes…
Last Week in ManageIQ: The school year begins - let's improve our GPA
Hello, Dávid here from the UI team. Let’s have a quick recap about what happened in the last week on the magical land of ManageIQ.
Last Week in ManageIQ: Where Have All The Cow Wranglers Gone
Hi Friends! Allen here, with news to share! Since we last talked much has happened, two weeks of on goings are due for discussion. A few quick stats before we dig in:
- No new repositories this time around!
- ~ 447 PRs closed across 133 ManageIQ Repos (between 08/07 to 08/21)
- In descending order, the top four repositories by pull request activity:
- Downstream version updated from 4.5 to 4.6 here
Last Week in ManageIQ: Back to Basics
Limericks Week in ManageIQ
Last Week in ManageIQ: Kicking off the summer edition
Chris here, welcoming you to the first of the biweekly summer edition of Last Week in ManageIQ! Though, the summer solstice (for the northern hemisphere) already occurred on June 20th. And wait, that’s not even the start of meteorological summer which was actually on June 1st. Also shouldn’t it be Last Weeks In ManageIQ, then?
Last Week in ManageIQ: A picture is worth a thousand words
Hi All, syncrou here to welcome you to another round of Last Week in ManageIQ. Since we’re in the throws of summer, I am the last weekly writer of Last Week in ManageIQ until the fall.
Last Week in ManageIQ: The DB migrations have migrated.
Howdy! I am JoeV. I work with the ManageIQ Platform Team. This is my second Last Week in ManageIQ post. Below is a review of the changes made this past week.
Last Week in ManageIQ: The UI is the thing
Hi all! Daniel Berger here again from the Providers team. This is my second Last Week in ManageIQ post, where I try to distill the week’s highlights of ManageIQ development into a nice, digestable format.
Last Week in ManageIQ: Where have all the Providers gone
Before you continue reading, I want you to click here to set the mood
Last Week in ManageIQ: Extractions
Good day, and welcome to another fine episode of Last Week In ManageIQ with your host Julian Cheal. Carrying on from last week we’ve had yet more code extractions from the core ManageIQ codebase, a variety of bug fixes, and some new features. So let’s get started.
Last Week in ManageIQ: Gearing up for Gaprindashvili and beyond
Hello everyone, this is Laura, bringing you a new edition of Last Week in ManageIQ!
Last Week in ManageIQ: A Flurry of Activity
Hello out there, ManageIQ community! Welcome to another edition of Last Week in ManageIQ hosted by yours truly,
Jillian .
As summer approaches it may be getting warm outside, but the ManageIQ repositories are still flurrying
with activity as usual.
Last Week in ManageIQ: Words
So, another week, another LWIMIQ…
Last Week in ManageIQ: Doing just Fine
Hi! As you know, we’re all doing just Fine (pun intended) and I would like to discuss some of the details. So let’s get started.
Lovecraftian Last Week in ManageIQ
The Stuff Of Which Screams Are Made
A Lovecraftian Choose Your Own Adventure
Last Week in ManageIQ: Squashing Bugz
Hello there! This is Harpreet Kataria, my first contribution at LWIMIQ blog post, I want to share some updates on what has been happening in ManageIQ world this past week. Team ManageIQ has been busy squashing bugz rapidly to make Fine release finer and more stable. After all bugz are bugz and must be squashed.
Last Week in ManageIQ: And Finally...Fine-tuning Fine
After a long and cold winter, we are thankful that spring is finally here! In some parts of the world, the cherry blossoms are spectacular. The birds are happily chirping. A Fine
season (get it?) indeed is one that brings with it a glimmer of sunshine and all around goodness.
Blood, fire and ManageIQ
Last Week in ManageIQ: Mostly harmless update
Another week is behind us, a new one is here and it brings along the next weekly update. I’m Roman from ManageIQ UI team, and I’ll walk you through what happened in the last week in ManageIQ.
Last Week in ManageIQ: Pontificatory Requestiveous - PR
Hi, Dr. Drew Syncrounious here to talk with you about an important new solution just released into master. Known scientifically as Pontificatory Requestiveous, for us in the industry, it is affectionately called:
Last Week in ManageIQ: Yet Another move by Euwe
Hello World!
Last Week in ManageIQ: March-ing ahead with the embedded Ansible integration
Laura here bringing you this week’s edition of Last Week in ManageIQ!
Last Week in ManageIQ: Deletions and Dragons
The Players
Jamlamin Tarmikos: Male Human Dwarven Defender Str 12 Int 15 Wis 18 Dex 12 Con 16 Cha 17
Thernda Strifelaugher: Female Halfling Dwarven Defender Str 15 Int 15 Wis 13 Dex 13 Con 6 Cha 11
Janmorel: Male Half-Orc Loremaster Str 7 Int 15 Wis 12 Dex 7 Con 3 Cha 12
Nerisstina Cupshigh: Female Gnome Paladin Str 14 Int 15 Wis 10 Dex 8 Con 13 Cha 9
Krisnys Bearcharger: Female Elf Shadowdancer Str 4 Int 15 Wis 8 Dex 10 Con 5 Cha 19
Eillyassa Chorster: Female Gnome Ranger Str 15 Int 15 Wis 3 Dex 3 Con 13 Cha 3
Jannys Falconsflight: Female Half-Orc Paladin Str 6 Int 15 Wis 5 Dex 7 Con 11 Cha 4
Janella Silentall: Female Half-Orc Dwarven Defender Str 11 Int 15 Wis 8 Dex 18 Con 11 Cha 13
Magnys Gladomain: Female Elf Rogue Str 10 Int 15 Wis 13 Dex 10 Con 9 Cha 15
Last Week in ManageIQ: Embedding Ansible Additions
Greetings everyone! Josh here with yet another weekly update!
Last Week in ManageIQ - February's Final Week's Work
Woah first last week of February for 2017, this is huge. Almost as
huge as the LQIMIQ low down prepared for you by your friendly neighbourhood developer Allen! So without further ado lets
Last Week in ManageIQ: Love is in the PRs
Happy Valentine’s Day! Jillian here to walk you through the love given to PRs this past week. In the spirit of the holiday, and before you devour lots of , let’s take a look at those PRs with
Last Week in ManageIQ: API & Ansible & Stuff
Hi all! Daniel Berger here from the Providers team. This is my first Last Week in ManageIQ post, where I try to distill the week’s highlights of ManageIQ development into a nice, digestable format.
Last Week in ManageIQ: Keeping up with the conferences
Hi, I am Dávid from the ManageIQ UI team. I will be your guide in this quick recap of what happened in the last week on our premises.
Last Week in ManageIQ: The last will be the first!
Hi all! Hilda here. This is my first Last Week in ManageIQ post, and I hope this isn’t my last! Below is a review of the last week’s changes.
Last Week in ManageIQ: Destroy the Monolith
Last Week in ManageIQ: Blog about all the things
Hi! syncrou here to continue our discussions as to what happened in the ManageIQ world last week. As the hours passed by and minutes zipped on, we all thought that a week couldn’t possibly justify a blog post. Au contraire, this post is about our ability to manage all the things!
Last Two Weeks in ManageIQ: A brand new Euwe
Last Week in ManageIQ: Armor like Tenfold Regions Hashes
Two improved pull requests for Elven-kings under the sky,
Three fixed for Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Two new for Mortal Men, doomed to die,
One deleted for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the land of ManageIQ where the heisenbugs lie.
One blog post to rule them all, One blog post to find them,
One blog post to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
In the land of ManageIQ where the heisenbugs lie.
Last Week in ManageIQ: Provider generator, pglogical upgrades, and Chen primes!
Chris here, welcoming you to another edition of Last Week in ManageIQ! It’s a balmy 0° here in Minnesota, USA - that’s about -18° Celsius, according to local authorities. With the wind chill making it -20° (-29°C), I’m thinking a look back at all the great work done on ManageIQ for the past week is just what we need to keep warm on this fine winter day!
Last Week in ManageIQ: Make Hawkular tenant changeable
Howdy! I am JoeV. I work with the ManageIQ Platform Team. Below is a review of the changes made Last Week in ManageIQ.
Last Week in ManageIQ: Fixing bugs and fixing bugs
Hello! Dávid here from the UI team with some updates about the changes since last week.
Last week in ManageIQ – Euwe stabilization continues
Hi! This is Laura with some highlights of our Last Week in ManageIQ.
Last week in ManageIQ - Azure provider is moved to gem
Hi. I, ZitaNemeckova will tell you more about this weeks news in our Last Week in ManageIQ.
Last week in ManageIQ - Bugs and NPM
Martin here, bringing you this week’s edition of Last Week in ManageIQ.
Last week in ManageIQ - Euwe stabilization
Bronagh here bringing you this week’s edition of Last Week in ManageIQ!
A milestone was met this week when we entered into the stabilization phase of the upcoming Euwe release. At this point we will concentrate on fixing bugs. If you would like to help out then take your pick from our open issues.
Last Week in ManageIQ: Exceptions, Logs, and Ternary Operators!
Hello out there, Manage IQ Community. Jillian here again with the latest edition of Last Week in Manage IQ!
Last Week in ManageIQ: Conversations lead to merges!
Hello again. Drew here, covering all of the amazing contributions over the last week in ManageIQ.
Last Week in ManageIQ: Hacktoberfest, Faster Trees, and Chargeback Reports!
Hello again! Tim here with a wrap-up of all the ManageIQ activity from last week.
Last Week in ManageIQ: Swift, vCloud, PG upgrades, and the Euwe beta
Hi everyone! This is Jason, bringing you this week’s Last Week in ManageIQ. This past week was the final development week before the upcoming beta release of the Euwe branch! After the beta release, we will start on many weeks of stabilization, so keep on the lookout for lots of bug fixes in the coming weeks.
Last Week in ManageIQ: Builders, BaseControllers, bugs, backend changes, and booting of comments!
Last Week in ManageIQ: An Afresh Absence of Atomic Providers
Thanks for tuning in today for the topical Last Week in ManageIQ! Drew Uhlmann here with you to limn marked mint MIQ metamorphoses.
Last Week in ManageIQ: Bootstrap Tree is Here
Brno office sends its regards once again. I, Zita will tell you more about last week’s news in ManageIQ codebase :)
Last Week in ManageIQ: API refactor, Observables and more!
Greetings from sunny Brno, Happy Martin here, from the UI team :).
Last Week in ManageIQ: Speedups, Chargebacks, Toolbars, and more!
Jillian here to guide you through another edition of Last Week in ManageIQ. Let’s get this show on the road and explore what we’ve accomplished last week!
Last Week in ManageIQ: The Azure, nice errors, and gems
What ho! Welcome to another jolly edition of Last Week in ManageIQ. Julian here, hailing from the Providers team. Let’s put the kettle on and take a look over what’s happened this last week in ManageIQ.
Last Week in ManageIQ: About modal, gettext improvements, refactoring and more!
Hi! David here, from the UI team!
Last Week in ManageIQ: VMware catalog parsing, MiqExpression refinement, and more!
Hi! This is Chris welcoming you to another edition of Last Week in ManageIQ! Let’s take a look back at all the lovely changes made to ManageIQ as we turned the calendars to August.
Last Week in ManageIQ: Saying Goodbye to rubyrep
Hello! Drew here,
Last Week in ManageIQ: Faster Reports, Cloud Networks, and more!
Hello and welcome to the first Last Week in ManageIQ! This is Tim here ready to take you on a whirlwind tour of some of the many, many (many) updates we had to the ManageIQ codebase over just the last week.