Hello out there, Manage IQ Community. Jillian here again with the latest edition of Last Week in Manage IQ!

It was another productive week in ManageIQ with 478 commits making up the 164 PRs merged. No matter how many merged PRs we have in a week, there will always be a place for you to join in on the fun! Check out our open issues for your chance to become one of our contributors.


Ability to use a different disk for storing log files

This PR from Joe enables the configuration of an additional disk for storing EVM log files. This enhancement will allow users to save more logfile rotations.

Rename Cloud Subnet MIQ Exceptions

Exceptions became a bit clearer after this PR from Gilles. He properly renamed MiqSubnet* exceptions to MiqCloudSubnet* exceptions.


Fix issue with #verify_credentials after updating ansible_tower_client

A pull request doesn’t have to be massive to be important, as Brandon proved with a one line fix to credential verification.

Ensure spinner gets turned off

During a git import, you’ll no longer be stuck with an infinite spinner when there’s an error thanks to a fix by Erik.


Support for self-signed certificates in Git Repositories

When importing new repositories, users may now disable certificate validation which creates support for git repositories that use self-signed certificates. This enhancement comes from Madhu.

Allow VMs with unknown power state to retire

Bill has added the ability to retire VMs with an unknown power state by proceeding past the check_pre_retirement automate method.


Remove duplicate function to handle tags editor

Deleting code is always good, especially when it removes duplicate functions. Šimon did just that this week by removing rbac_tags_set_from_vars, which was a duplicate of x_tags_set_from_vars.

Remove Unnecessary Ternary Operators

Roman improved toolbar builder by deleting some unnecessary ternary operators.

Wrapping up

Thanks for joining us for another edition of LWIMIQ. See you next week!