Bronagh here bringing you this week’s edition of Last Week in ManageIQ!

A milestone was met this week when we entered into the stabilization phase of the upcoming Euwe release. At this point we will concentrate on fixing bugs. If you would like to help out then take your pick from our open issues.

Sprint 48 ended on Monday 24th. Don’t worry if you could not make the Sprint review meeting this week, it was recorded here.

It was a knock out week in ManageIQ with a whopping 335 commits across 121 PRs.


Šimon is keeping it simple with the chargeback rate editor UX: Simplify Chargeback rates editor.

Beni undertook a major rewrite of auto-tagging of kubernetes labels and fixed a bunch of bugs while he was at it: Rewrite of auto-tagging, fixing multiple bugs.

Tired of having to input your RabbitMQ credentials on the rails console? Now you don’t have to, thanks to Miha. Check out his work here: Add GUI with inputs for VMware vCloud event monitoring.


Šimon made a PR to fix the Add a new chargeback rate screen and Nick made a PR to raise an error if a region is not configured for central admin.


This week we saw the introduction of a new network provider page for Nuage. Check out some nice eye candy here by Samuel.

Mac support was added to the linux_block_device gem, thanks to Jason. No idea what the linux_block_device gem is? Me neither, have a read.

VMware virtal machines can now be imported into RHEV using the REST API, PR by Martin Beták.

Andrey added a topology view this week to display the hosts on the backend of the OpenStack cloud, the PR can be found here.


Deleting duplicate code is always good fun. Eric knocked it out of the park this week by deleting 93 files! Remove old timeline JS from public.

Robin deleted 391 lines by Removing Ziya flash charts from code, thanks Robin!.

Wrapping up

This is just a synposis of last week in ManageIQ, check out our full list of merged PRs for the full story. Thanks for joining us for another edition of LWIMIQ. Happy Halloween!