
Sprint 55 review - March 1, 2017

Welcome once again to a sprint review recap. This time we are looking at Sprint 55, which produced a total of 495 pull requests across all the ManageIQ repos. :fist::fist: We used to see similar numbers in 3-week sprints last year! Even though we haven’t done an official comparison, PR counts seem to be drifting up in many repos, including the main repo (with 144 PRs this sprint) which has been split into many parts. With 2 more new repos (font-fabulous and manageiq-api-mock) this sprint, it seems that while the repo-splits caused some initial disruption, the outcome allowed for more velocity per repository.

Announcing Euwe-2

We’ve just built Euwe-2. This release contains a security fix, bug fixes, numerous UI tweaks, and stabilization.

Last Week in ManageIQ: Deletions and Dragons

The Players

Jamlamin Tarmikos: Male Human Dwarven Defender Str 12 Int 15 Wis 18 Dex 12 Con 16 Cha 17
Thernda Strifelaugher: Female Halfling Dwarven Defender Str 15 Int 15 Wis 13 Dex 13 Con 6 Cha 11
Janmorel: Male Half-Orc Loremaster Str 7 Int 15 Wis 12 Dex 7 Con 3 Cha 12
Nerisstina Cupshigh: Female Gnome Paladin Str 14 Int 15 Wis 10 Dex 8 Con 13 Cha 9
Krisnys Bearcharger: Female Elf Shadowdancer Str 4 Int 15 Wis 8 Dex 10 Con 5 Cha 19
Eillyassa Chorster: Female Gnome Ranger Str 15 Int 15 Wis 3 Dex 3 Con 13 Cha 3
Jannys Falconsflight: Female Half-Orc Paladin Str 6 Int 15 Wis 5 Dex 7 Con 11 Cha 4
Janella Silentall: Female Half-Orc Dwarven Defender Str 11 Int 15 Wis 8 Dex 18 Con 11 Cha 13
Magnys Gladomain: Female Elf Rogue Str 10 Int 15 Wis 13 Dex 10 Con 9 Cha 15

Sprint 56 review - March 15, 2017

Greetings from FOSSASIA 2017 in Singapore! It’s exciting to see the growth of the open source movement in Asia and I hope to share more about ManageIQ with everyone I meet here. However, since I’m bustling about at this activity-filled event, I’ll have to make this post shorter than usual.

Event Report - PyCon Pune 2017

Hi, I am Satyajit from the ManageIQ Quality Engineering team. I will be your guide in this quick recap of what happened in the PyCon Pune-2017 Python Conference.

Sprint 57 review - March 29, 2017

Welcome to Sprint 57 recap. In this sprint we merged a total of 565 pull request combined, almost 10% more than last sprint’s 518, and well ahead of what we used to achieve with 3-week sprints in 2016! The 180 PRs in the main repo is distributed in thirds between enhancements, bugs, and everything else. We are also growing in number of repos, from 103 repos 5 sprints ago, to 108 now. The new repos introduced this sprint are amazon_ssa_support and manageiq-ui-scaffold. More info on them will come as they get populated.