Announcing Euwe-2
We’ve just built Euwe-2. This release contains a security fix, bug fixes, numerous UI tweaks, and stabilization.
Security Fixes:
CVE-2017-2632 - It was found that a tenant administrator could create groups with roles that have higher permissions than those of the tenant administrator. This issue was discovered by Matouš Mojžíš (Red Hat).
and here are just a few of the things added since Euwe-1 release:
- Automate: Automate Retry with Server Affinity
- Providers:
- Ansible Tower: Advanced search for Ansible Tower Jobs not visible on switch from a different tab
- Microsoft Azure: Delete all resources when deleting an Azure stack
- Notable Platform fixes include:
- Tenant admin should not be able to create groups in other tenants.
- Introduce report result purging timer.
Here is the complete changelog: Euwe-2
For questions or support, join in on the talk page.