Last Week in ManageIQ: Please call me Gapri if it helps you relax
Wohoo! It’s here again! All the features we were working on over the truly Fine summer, are now released in new version, Gaprindashvili.
Roman from UI team here, with my second LWIMIQ article. Lets see what happened last week.
There is no week where we wouldn’t improve at least a small thing :) Last week Bill has improved Ansible playbook logging, Piotr has made the Host trigger refresh after being removed and Shmuel has extended dialog to select VM by tag
With new features may also unfortunately come bugs. Last week Adam has helped ManageIQ to be less buggy by fixing SCVMM credential validation, David updated GTL lists to use custom pictures and Drew fixed Custom buttons with subclasses
One of the features that you can find in Gaprindashvili are new metering reports that Libor was working on. Karel has enabled compliance check for Middleware server and Adam made it possible to login with console authentication for VMware providers.
As much important as adding and improving new features is also removing the unused and duplicated code. Last week, Brandon has found and removed duplications in Aggregation mixin and Harpreet has fixed button groups by removing unneeded attribute from toolbar definition.
Wrapping up
So this was basically yet another awesome week in ManageIQ-land
Don’t forget to be awesome and happy! See you next time.